5 Air Conditioning Tips for Saving Money Right Now

Air Conditioning Tips for Saving Money

It is essential to use air conditioners in summers when the outside temperatures soar. But, using the AC the whole day is bound to add up when it comes to your electricity bills. Following these easy air conditioning tips can help you keep cool and comfortable without breaking the bank.

If you are looking for professionals to service and maintain your AC so that you can use it at lower costs this summer, you can only trust the best St. Louis HVAC contractors with it. Give the HVAC professionals at Galmiche & Sons a call at 314-993-1110 to schedule your air conditioner maintenance or learn more about our AC tips.

Air Conditioning Tips for Saving Money

Money Saving AC Tips

If you are looking to save money on air conditioning bills, but you don’t want to suffer in the heat, take a look at our five best tips for saving money while still using your air conditioner this summer.

  • Use ceiling fans: Ceiling fans are perfect for circulating air around the house without having to use the thermostat. You can set the blades to move counterclockwise, so the air flows down in the room. You can also open windows in the evenings or mornings if the climate outside is cool enough and set up an old-school box fan in the window to bring in and circulate the fresh air around your house.
  • Use curtains, blinds, or solar screens: Your home is likely to heat up by several degrees if you get direct sunlight from any of your windows or directly on your roof. One simple way to keep the house cool is to draw the curtains or blinds on every window to keep the sunlight out. You may also want to use solar screens for this as they allow you to open the window if you need to without letting in sunlight or bugs.
  • Set the thermostat to 72 or higher: Setting the thermostat to 72 degrees or higher is ideal for summers, even though you may be tempted to set it to lower temperatures. Setting it to a lower temperature does not cool the house any faster. It only cools it more than necessary. Also, you can save nearly 3% on air conditioning costs with every degree higher than 72 that you set the thermostat. So turning your thermostat up even higher when you are away from home is another air conditioning tip that can help you save even more.
  • Use the basement: If you have a basement, you can also consider hanging out down there during the day. Just ensure that you do not open any windows if the weather outside is humid, as it will cause condensation and will increase the humidity in the entire house. Even so, the basement will be much cooler than the rest of your house as it is generally below the ground or lower to it. Thanks to being lower in the ground, it also doesn’t get a lot of direct sunlight and does not heat up like the rest of the house.
  • Don’t skimp on AC maintenance: Finally, the most important of our air conditioning tips is to schedule regular maintenance. Maintaining and servicing your air conditioner regularly will help it function optimally and will reduce costs in the long run. In St. Louis, you also have the option of contracting an AC repair/maintenance company for the long term so that you will not have to remember to schedule this maintenance regularly.


Contact Our AC Service Professionals for Regular Maintenance

A well-maintained and regularly serviced AC will use less energy, and it also helps prevent major repairs in the future since any problems are caught and fixed early.

Looking for a reliable HVAC contractor in St. Louis? Galmiche & Sons has been in the HVAC repair and maintenance business since 1950. Contact our experienced heating and air conditioning professionals today to schedule your AC service or learn more about our air conditioning tips to help you keep cool and save on AC bills.

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