Air Filter Types and Their Impact

Air Filter Types and Their Impact

When it comes to indoor air quality, air filters and purification systems play a significant roll. An air filter is typically made of fiberglass, pleated paper or cloth that is placed in a cardboard frame. Its main job is to purify the air moving through your heating and cooling system. These filters catch a variety of particles and pollutants which might impact your health and comfort, like dust, pollen, mold, fibers, lint, metal, plaster, wood bits, hair, pet fur, and microorganisms. The filtration process happens as used air is pulled back into your HVAC equipment to be treated and circulated again. The air gets pushed through the filter which then cleans it by removing unwanted particles. While all filter work the same, there are several different air filter types, offering different benefits.

Read on to have a look at the different air filter types available in the market.

To learn more or for help selecting the best air filter for your HVAC system, contact the heating and air conditioning experts at Galmiche & Sons today.

A Look at Common Types of Air Filters

Ionic Air Filter Types

Ionic Air Filters

Ionic air filters, sometimes known as air ionizers, work by using electricity to create negatively charged ions or anions. These anions then act like magnets for particles in the air, similar to static electricity. Once these particles touch the anions, they lose their charge and are taken out of the airflow. This method is popular in business air cleaning systems.

HEPA Air Filter Types

HEPA Air Filters

Studies indicate that HEPA filters can remove at least 99.97% of tiny airborne allergens and pollutants, like mold spores and dust that are 0.3 microns small. They are top-notch with a MERV rating of around 16, catching even the tiniest particles like tobacco and bacteria. If you have allergies or respiratory problems, choosing HEPA among the different air filter types could be a big help. It can keep your indoor air quality high at all times.

Carbon Air Filter Types

Carbon Air Filters

Carbon air filters utilize the properties of activated carbon to catch chemicals, gasses, and even cigarette smoke. The filter works by letting air pass through, and in the process, odor and gases are absorbed and neutralized by the activated carbon. If a stronger smell needs to be tackled, the activated carbon can be made more powerful to absorb specific gases. These filters, therefore, are a great fit for places where it’s necessary to clear the air of chemicals and strong odors.

UV Air Filter Types

UV Air Filters

UV air filters destroy harmful microbes using ultraviolet light instead of typical filtration. These air filter types are effective against bacteria, viruses, molds, and yeast in the air, but they can’t remove dust, solid particles, or allergens. They can be helpful for people prone to sickness, as they aid in disease prevention. Often found in hospitals, kitchens, daycares, and labs, HVAC UV lights also excel at managing mold in homes. It provides ideal results when used in combination with other air filter types.

Besides these features, when picking out an air filter, remember to think about its size. You will need to choose a filter that fits your HVAC system properly. The best way to identify the ideal air filter type for your house or office space is to contact a professional. They can consider all the necessary factors and choose the right one for your needs.

A Look at Common Types of Air Filters

Contact Galmiche & Sons for the Best HVAC Maintenance in St. Louis

If you are looking to install or replace your air filter, Galmiche & Sons can help. With over 70 years of experience in the industry, we can not only carry out your maintenance work without any hassles but can also guide you on the ideal air filter types for your HVAC system. Contact us today to schedule an appointment or learn more!

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