Benefits of Fans in Summer in St. Louis

Benefits of Fans in Summer

Using fans in the summertime are an inexpensive but effective way of cooling your home. Whether or not fans are used alone or in conjunction with your air conditioning, there are many benefits of fans when it comes to your St. Louis home.

From ceiling fans to standing tower fans, here are some of the many benefits of fans that you can enjoy:

  • Improves Indoor Comfort – Homes that have been tightly constructed can result in stale, stuffy air indoors. One of the most common benefits of fans is that they circulate air around a home. On nicer days, you can turn off your air conditioner, open your windows, and use a fan to release the warm air outside of your home. The fan will create a “wind chill” effect and will provide additional comfort during the summer.
  • Eliminates Humidity – The hot summer days can make your house extremely humid and uncomfortable to live in. The normal humidity level inside a home should range from 45% to 55%. Anything above 55% not only results in a lot of discomfort, but also poses a health risk. Aside from using an air conditioner and a dehumidifier, you can benefit from a fan by lessening the humidity level in your home. Use a standalone fan in the living areas and an exhaust fan in the bathroom and kitchen areas to help eliminate moisture and lower humidity.
  • Improves HVAC Efficiency – It is common for air conditioners (especially older ones) to breakdown during the summer from overuse. The benefit of using a fan is you are lessening the load on your air conditioner unit, and your thermostat will not have to cycle on and off as frequently. This helps prevent your air conditioner from being overused and breaking down.
  • Improves Air Circulation – You can use a fan in conjunction with your air conditioner to improve air circulation. Another way to take advantage of this benefit of fans is by turning off your air conditioning system and opening your doors and windows on cooler days or nights. This way, your fan will draw in the cooler air inside and expel the hot air outside.
  • Lessens Energy Consumption – Using a fan will help you feel cooler because it creates a wind chill effect. Therefore, you can bump up the thermostat up by a few notches and you won’t notice much of a difference in terms of comfort level.
  • Lessens Energy Bills – Energy savings are a huge benefit of fans, and fans can lower your bills annually by as much as 10%. To save even more, use an Energy Star-certified ceiling fan, which circulates 15% more air compared to an ordinary one.

Learn More About the Benefits of Fans Straight from the Experts

Benefits of Fans | Summer Cooling & HVAC Tips

Now that you know the benefits of fans, you are probably thinking of getting one or two for your St. Louis home. Allow the experts at Galmiche & Sons to help you select the best fan according to your needs and budget. Having been in the heating and cooling industry since 1950, we have a solid record of providing quality HVAC service.

If you want more tips on the benefits of fans and how to maximize your heating and air conditioning system for St. Louis summers or to book a free consultation for St. Louis HVAC service, please call us at 314-993-1110.

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