Best Spring HVAC Maintenance Tips

Spring HVAC Maintenance Tips

Spring can be an exciting and busy time of year. Change is in the air, and the weather is warming. But can your HVAC system take the heat? Now is the time to find out. With these spring HVAC maintenance tips in mind, and the help of your HVAC service team, it is easy to enjoy the summer and beat the heat.

For more spring HVAC maintenance tips and to schedule spring AC maintenance in St. Louis, get in touch with the heating & air conditioning service team at Galmiche & Sons today either online or by phone at (314)-993-1110 today.

Top 5 Spring HVAC Maintenance Tips

To start with, let’s look at a few things you can do on your own and some general spring maintenance tips to help you troubleshoot your central air conditioner:

  • Change Your Air Filter – Changing your air filter is our favorite of the spring HVAC maintenance tips and it is one of the easiest HVAC maintenance tips. Changing your air filter saves you money, reduces the number of allergens in your air, and prevents wear and tear. It is easy and quick to do on your own and most HVAC professionals recommend this every 3 months.
  • Remove Obstructions and Debris – Look at the area around the outdoor portion of your air conditioner and make sure it is free of dirt and debris. It is common for dead leaves and other trash to gather around the outdoor unit, and this buildup can reduce the efficiency of your AC, or even cause a breakdown.
  • Check Your Ductwork – Ductwork can also be a problem. One of the best spring HVAC maintenance tips is to give your ductwork a quick inspection to make sure it is not full of dirt, dust, and debris. You can ask your HVAC service team to measure the efficiency of your ducts as well and help you determine if a full cleaning is necessary.
  • Inspect Drainage Hole – Most HVAC systems have a drainage hole located at the bottom of the cabinet on the indoor unit. This should drain quickly and fully, so if there is water trapped inside, or you can see buildup around the hole, you may need to clean out the drainage hole.

Schedule a Maintenance Check

What are the Best Spring HVAC Maintenance Tips

The best spring HVAC maintenance tip of all, however, is to call your service team for a regular maintenance check. Spring is the best time to get your HVAC system inspected, tested, and repaired, because this ensures it is in great shape for the blazing heat of summer.

Speaking with your HVAC service team can also give you a great opportunity to consider whether you may need to upgrade your HVAC system. In addition to providing spring HVAC maintenance tips, your service team will be able to answer questions like “How many years does my HVAC system have left?” and “Is this unit worth keeping?”.

Need More Spring HVAC Maintenance Tips? Call Us in St. Louis

If you think it is time to have your heating and air conditioning serviced or you want to learn more about these spring HVAC maintenance tips to get your system ready for summer, Galmiche & Sons is here to help. We have been providing St. Louis with outstanding HVAC services since 1950. To speak with a team member, call us today at (314)-993-1110.

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