Do You Need HVAC Replacement? 7 HVAC Warning Signs that You Should Never Ignore

HVAC Replacement Warning Signs

When it comes to running your household, there may be several things that require your attention and can cause you stress. However, your HVAC system does not have to be one of them. Pay attention to warnings that may be telling you it is time for HVAC replacement, so you do not end up with a damaged air conditioning unit or a sudden surprise breakdown. Here are the seven warning signs you should look out for that are telling you … Continue reading Do You Need HVAC Replacement? 7 HVAC Warning Signs that You Should Never Ignore

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Programmable Thermostat Troubleshooting Tips

Programmable Thermostat Troubleshooting Tips

The programmable thermostat is a blessing to homeowners with a central HVAC system. It lets you adjust the temperature inside your home to desired limits at any time, automatically. Not just that. A programmable thermostat can also reduce your energy bills. By adjusting the temperature as programmed for different times of the day, it can save energy. For example, during the time of the day when you are at work, the thermostat can turn down the heating or cooling and … Continue reading Programmable Thermostat Troubleshooting Tips

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Prevent Costly HVAC Repairs with Regular Maintenance

Prevent Costly HVAC Repairs with Regular Maintenance

Your HVAC system runs almost all year long. It works extremely hard to keep your home cool during the summer months and warm and cozy during the winter. But we often take it for granted and only remember that the HVAC unit needs attention when there is a serious problem. We could save ourselves all this trouble and prevent costly HVAC repair by simply putting some time into routine HVAC maintenance. Regular maintenance of your HVAC system ensures that it … Continue reading Prevent Costly HVAC Repairs with Regular Maintenance

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Is Fall the Best Time for HVAC Replacement?

What is the Best Time for HVAC Replacement

It is almost winter, and very soon, our heating systems will be kicking back into action. But more often than not, we forget about our HVAC systems until it gets cold outside and we really need to switch it on. What if your HVAC system does not work when you switch it on after a year? Especially if you haven’t had your HVAC unit maintained in the past few years, it is likely that there may be issues with your … Continue reading Is Fall the Best Time for HVAC Replacement?

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HVAC Smells & Sounds: What Do They Mean?

HVAC Smells & Sounds

Your heating and air conditioning system runs almost all year long. Particularly in St. Louis, where the summers are sweltering and winters equally harsh, the HVAC system has to be on the job all the time. It undergoes a lot of wear and tear and requires regular maintenance to ensure that it runs efficiently for longer. Over time, you may notice certain changes in the smells and sounds coming from your HVAC systems. HVAC smells and sounds tell a lot … Continue reading HVAC Smells & Sounds: What Do They Mean?

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How to Choose an HVAC System That is Right for You

How to Choose an HVAC System

Thinking of getting a new HVAC system installed for your St. Louis home? That is a great idea. But have you decided which HVAC system to buy? There are hundreds of options out there, and knowing how to choose an HVAC system that meets your needs can make a big difference to your costs and the return on investment you get. Read on below to learn more about how to choose an HVAC system for your home. Once you have … Continue reading How to Choose an HVAC System That is Right for You

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AC Maintenance: How Dirt and Debris Can Affect Your Air Conditioner

AC Maintenance: How Dirt and Debris Can Affect Your Air Conditioner

Your air conditioner can get dirty and very quickly too. AC maintenance is of the utmost importance, to ensure you and other residents of your St. Louis building are healthy. But often, many home and office space owners do not realize just how much dirt and debris can build up in the AC. Here we discuss how airborne contaminants can affect your AC and how timely AC maintenance through air conditioner servicing and air conditioner repairs, can help you extend … Continue reading AC Maintenance: How Dirt and Debris Can Affect Your Air Conditioner

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What are the Parts of an Air Conditioner?

What are the Parts of an Air Conditioner?

You may have been using an HVAC system for a long time now but are not quite sure how it really works. It is normal to be a little curious about what is inside that box that makes cooling large spaces look so simple. Many take this amazing piece of technology for granted while it keeps us cool in the sweltering St. Louis summers. But not anymore. Today, let us finally dissect the ever so useful HVAC system and understand … Continue reading What are the Parts of an Air Conditioner?

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Top Reasons to Consider an Air Conditioning Maintenance Plan

Reasons You Need an Air Conditioning Maintenance Plan

Having an air conditioning system installed in your home is necessary, considering how hot and uncomfortable St. Louis summers can be. But what is equally important and often overlooked by homeowners is an air conditioning maintenance plan. People have many justifications about why they think a maintenance plan is not needed. Some state the additional cost as a concern while others feel that maintenance does not make any difference to the HVAC system’s performance. However, the reality is different, and … Continue reading Top Reasons to Consider an Air Conditioning Maintenance Plan

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Considering Air Conditioner Replacement: Find Out What BTU You Need?

Air Conditioner Replacement | What BTU Do You Need

Whether it is because your old air conditioner has stopped functioning or you simply want to upgrade to a newer model, air conditioner replacement is common and often necessary. The average lifespan of an air conditioner, with proper maintenance, is about 10 to 15 years. So you will need to consider a replacement at some point anyway. But when you are shopping around for air conditioner replacement, what should you look at? This includes the energy ratings and power consumption, … Continue reading Considering Air Conditioner Replacement: Find Out What BTU You Need?

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