HVAC Replacement: Hidden Benefits of Replacing Furnace & AC Together

Benefits of Replacing Furnace & AC Together

As St. Louis enters the fall season, it may be time to consider replacing furnace and AC units in your home. There are many hidden and often overlooked benefits to simultaneous replacement of both units. If you have any questions about whether furnace replacement may need to be in your upcoming plans, contact our heating & air conditioning company today! We can discuss any issues you may be having and direct you to the best next step. Why Replacing Furnace … Continue reading HVAC Replacement: Hidden Benefits of Replacing Furnace & AC Together

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Window Air Conditioner FAQs

Window Air Conditioner FAQs

If you are shopping around for an air conditioner, it is important to study what your options are. There are many types, brands, and models of air conditioners out in the market today that choosing which one is the best for your home and family can seem overwhelming. A window air conditioner is a popular choice among many home and business owners in St. Louis for a good reason. Typically, this type of air conditioner is a lot cheaper than … Continue reading Window Air Conditioner FAQs

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Whole House Dehumidifiers vs. Portable Dehumidifiers

Whole House Dehumidifier Benefits

The hot summer days can be brutal in St. Louis, with the humidity levels reaching new heights. If your family is experiencing a hot and humid environment inside the home even with the air conditioner turned on, it may be time to invest in either a whole house dehumidifier or a portable one. So what exactly is it? A dehumidifier is a household appliance used to reduce the humidity level indoors. Many people have one on their homes for health, … Continue reading Whole House Dehumidifiers vs. Portable Dehumidifiers

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Server Room Cooling with Portable Air Conditioners

Server Room Cooling Tips

The server room is the heart of your IT operations. The amount of data stored in there is extremely important, which is why you need to do everything you can to make sure your servers are safe and secure at all times. Unfortunately, excessive heat from non-stop use and poor server room cooling can put your servers and computers in danger, potentially grinding your operations to a halt. Combine that with the ongoing hot summer days in St. Louis and … Continue reading Server Room Cooling with Portable Air Conditioners

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Benefits of Fans in Summer in St. Louis

Benefits of Fans in Summer

Using fans in the summertime are an inexpensive but effective way of cooling your home. Whether or not fans are used alone or in conjunction with your air conditioning, there are many benefits of fans when it comes to your St. Louis home. From ceiling fans to standing tower fans, here are some of the many benefits of fans that you can enjoy: Improves Indoor Comfort – Homes that have been tightly constructed can result in stale, stuffy air indoors. … Continue reading Benefits of Fans in Summer in St. Louis

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7 Reasons You Need a Dehumidifier in Your St. Louis Home

Dehumidifier Benefits | St. Louis HVAC Tips

If you feel that the rooms in your home are uncomfortable to live in and you see water stains all over the ceiling or peeling paint on the walls, your home might be suffering from a high humidity levels. The ideal level of humidity should be around 45% to 55%. If your home’s humidity goes beyond that range, you may need to invest in a dehumidifier to keep the moisture at bay. Here are some of the reasons why you … Continue reading 7 Reasons You Need a Dehumidifier in Your St. Louis Home

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Humidity Levels 101: What is the Best Humidity Level for Your Home

Humidity Levels | St. Louis HVAC Tips

During the hot summer months, the humidity levels inside your home can go through the roof, which can cause not only a lot of personal discomfort but also pose a health risk and potential damage to your household. A home with high humidity levels is the perfect breeding ground for mold spores, mildew, and dust mites to form. A hot and humid environment can also cause breathing difficulties, allergy attacks, and a compromised immune system. Incorrect humidity levels can lead … Continue reading Humidity Levels 101: What is the Best Humidity Level for Your Home

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Why is My Air Conditioner Leaking Water?

Air Conditioner Leaking Water | St. Louis HVAC Tips

Have you been noticing a lot of water collecting under or around your air conditioning unit? To understand why your air conditioner is leaking, you first need to know how an air conditioner works. It is fairly straightforward: your air conditioner unit has an evaporator coil which cools down the air, causing condensation to form. This condensation drips down into a drain pan and goes into a drain line that leads outside the house. Top 5 Most Common Air Conditioner … Continue reading Why is My Air Conditioner Leaking Water?

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Advice on Using a Ceiling Fan for Cooling

Tips for Using a Ceiling Fan for Cooling

As St. Louis homeowners continue to look for ways to achieve a comfortable room temperature, without breaking the bank, one of the first things they should consider is using at least one ceiling fan for cooling. Fans are great because they use less energy than air conditioners, but they are able to cause noticeable shifts in temperature. It is similar to how the outside temperature may be at a certain level, but when a breeze blows, there is a wind … Continue reading Advice on Using a Ceiling Fan for Cooling

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Outdoor Entertaining Tips for Staying Cool

Outdoor Entertaining | Tips for Staying Cool

Outdoor entertaining is a great way to inject more life, energy, and enjoyment into an event at your St. Louis home. Guests can lounge by your pool or smell the sizzle of steak on your backyard grill. Kids have the freedom to run around to their hearts’ content. There’s more open space, and as evening arrives, guests can enjoy viewing the sunset and watching the stars come out. That said, outdoor entertaining does have its downsides. One of these is … Continue reading Outdoor Entertaining Tips for Staying Cool

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