Server Room Cooling with Portable Air Conditioners

Server Room Cooling Tips

The server room is the heart of your IT operations. The amount of data stored in there is extremely important, which is why you need to do everything you can to make sure your servers are safe and secure at all times. Unfortunately, excessive heat from non-stop use and poor server room cooling can put your servers and computers in danger, potentially grinding your operations to a halt. Combine that with the ongoing hot summer days in St. Louis and … Continue reading Server Room Cooling with Portable Air Conditioners

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Tips to Improve Commercial HVAC Efficiency

Commercial HVAC Efficiency | St. Louis HVAC Tips

A major portion of your company’s energy bills comes from the operation of your heating and cooling system. In fact, the US Department of Energy states that as much as 30% of a commercial building’s energy consumption goes to waste. However, there are steps you can take to improve commercial HVAC energy efficiency. For example, with strategic planning, smart investment, and regular maintenance, you can reduce the overall heating and cooling consumption of your building. Here are some of the … Continue reading Tips to Improve Commercial HVAC Efficiency

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Commercial HVAC Contractor FAQs

Commercial HVAC Contractor FAQs

Hiring quality commercial HVAC contractors is important in order to get the most efficient heating and cooling system for your business. The high demands of commercial HVAC systems are completely different from a light residential HVAC job, which is why it should be handled by a company that has been in the industry for many years and has experience working on large commercial equipment and projects. Galmiche & Sons is one of the leading commercial HVAC contractors in St. Louis. … Continue reading Commercial HVAC Contractor FAQs

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Six Ways to Boost Your Office Building Energy Efficiency

Office Building Energy Efficiency

As a business owner or facility manager, part of your job is to keep operating costs at a minimum to maintain profitability and improve your company’s bottom line. One way to keep your costs down is to improve your energy efficiency in the workplace. This means improving building energy efficiency as a whole through the installation of more efficient lighting and HVAC systems as well as computers and equipment. Here are 6 Tips to Get You Started When it Comes … Continue reading Six Ways to Boost Your Office Building Energy Efficiency

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Air Conditioner Costs: Comparing Initial Costs with Lifetime Costs

Comparing Air Conditioner Costs

A lot of factors come into play when buying a new air conditioning system for the home or business. If budget is a huge factor, you need to know and consider all of your air conditioner costs before making the final decision. For more information and for help determining your air conditioner costs in the greater St. Louis area, contact the heating and air conditioning experts at Galmiche & Sons today! Upfront Cost Does Not Cover All of Your Air … Continue reading Air Conditioner Costs: Comparing Initial Costs with Lifetime Costs

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Planning for Commercial HVAC Upgrades

Commercial HVAC Upgrades in St. Louis

Commercial HVAC upgrades, while costly upfront, are necessary to maintaining optimum performance of your commercial building’s cooling and heating systems and saving money in the long run thanks to increased HVAC energy efficiency. In order to execute these upgrades properly, you must plan for them accordingly. At Galmiche & Sons, we want our customers to be as informed as possible before making important decisions, so our experts have put together a list of tips for planning your next commercial HVAC … Continue reading Planning for Commercial HVAC Upgrades

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Tips to Improve Commercial HVAC Energy Efficiency This Summer

Commercial HVAC Energy Efficiency Tips

In the summer, the hotter temperatures and humidity do not just affect people, they also affects the heating, ventilation, and air conditioning (HVAC) systems in commercial buildings. It is during this time that many commercial building owners can spend up to an additional 30% on energy costs because of improper commercial HVAC energy efficiency management. Improving Your HVAC Energy Efficiency If you are concerned about getting the most out of your heating and cooling system, here are some tips you … Continue reading Tips to Improve Commercial HVAC Energy Efficiency This Summer

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How Can HVAC Breakdowns Harm Your Business?

HVAC Breakdowns in Commercial Business

Every year, people from the HVAC industry receive hundreds of emergency calls, and the number one reason is system breakdowns. Aside from being costly and a hassle, these HVAC breakdowns could be harming the caller’s business in ways they do not even realize. Calling for professional help when these breakdowns happen is important, as every minute you without a working HVAC could cost you. If you need emergency HVAC service in the St. Louis area, contact the heating & air … Continue reading How Can HVAC Breakdowns Harm Your Business?

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Designing a Building for Energy Efficient HVAC Operations

Energy Efficient HVAC Design

When constructing a building in a city like St. Louis, one of the most common concerns that engineers and architects need to take into consideration is the HVAC operations. The building design will dictate what kind of HVAC system it will need – for example, bigger buildings will need more intricate HVAC systems while smaller ones need only simple HVAC systems installed. As such, it is important to create designs that will maximize the HVAC system’s performance and result in … Continue reading Designing a Building for Energy Efficient HVAC Operations

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Commercial HVAC Lifespan: How Long Will Your Commercial HVAC Last?

Extend Your Commercial HVAC Lifespan

Your HVAC system is a huge investment, so it is natural that you would want to do everything you can to get the most out of it for the longest time possible. Here is some useful information on what you can expect for your HVAC lifespan and ways through which you can make sure that your system gives you many long years of service. For more information and to schedule a maintenance appointment for your commercial HVAC system, contact our … Continue reading Commercial HVAC Lifespan: How Long Will Your Commercial HVAC Last?

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