Is Your Furnace Motor Overheating?

Furnace Motor Overheating | What to Do

Most furnaces are built to last, and with the right installation and proper maintenance, most of them can even last for years without needing any major repairs. However, even with regular maintenance, you are never totally protected from experiencing furnace issues, including the furnace motor overheating. Therefore, it is important to be able to recognize the signs of a furnace motor overheating and know what to do in such a case. Read on to find out a few signs that … Continue reading Is Your Furnace Motor Overheating?

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HVAC Noises and What They Mean

HVAC Noises & What They Mean

Of course, when any HVAC system is running, there will be some running noises. However, when you start noticing HVAC noises that are not the usual, these could be signs that there could be a problem with the system. HVAC noises are probably one of the first signs that let you know that something needs to be fixed. Knowing some of the common HVAC noises can go a long way in helping you determine where the problem lies and how … Continue reading HVAC Noises and What They Mean

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What Are Air Conditioner Coils & What Do They Do?

What are Air Conditioner Coils

While an air conditioner is not too complicated a machine, many homeowners do not know much about how their air unit actually cools their home. This is perfectly fine if you do not want to deal with maintenance yourself, but there are a lot of reasons to become more familiar with your unit, including the different air conditioner coils at work inside. While most know that their air conditioner has coils of some kind, few could tell you what they … Continue reading What Are Air Conditioner Coils & What Do They Do?

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Why is My Air Conditioner Running Constantly?

Why is My Air Conditioner Running Constantly

Figuring out why an air conditioner is running constantly can be a tricky question. For many instances, it is often something simple, like a dirty or clogged filter. Sometimes, though, constant running can be a sign of more serious issues. Taking the time to understand why your air conditioner is running constantly is important to solving the problem for the long term. Some fixes work in the short term but will leave you with recurring problems down the line. If … Continue reading Why is My Air Conditioner Running Constantly?

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HVAC Maintenance: What You Should Do Yourself & What to Leave to the Pros

Do It Yourself HVAC Maintenance

Regular HVAC maintenance is central to keeping your system running smoothly and efficiently. A lot of people assume you can just wait until a problem pops up and have that issue dealt with, but this is a good way to lose a lot of money on energy bills. Without proper HVAC maintenance, an inefficient system could be running you quite a bit in extra energy costs. In addition to higher costs over time, neglecting HVAC maintenance can create big problems … Continue reading HVAC Maintenance: What You Should Do Yourself & What to Leave to the Pros

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Back to School Checklist for Your HVAC System

Back to School Checklist for Your HVAC System

With summer nearly over, it is now time to think of getting back to school. The kids won’t be hanging around the house, meaning that the daily schedules and routines go back to normal. This also means that the HVAC system will be working differently. As a result, it is a great idea to put together a back to school checklist for your HVAC system. If you need help with your back to school HVAC checklist or to schedule an … Continue reading Back to School Checklist for Your HVAC System

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AC Blowing Hot Air? Simple AC Repair Tips

AC Blowing Hot Air | Common Reasons & Repairs

One of the most frustrating things that can happen during the summer is discovering that the AC unit is blowing hot air. For most homeowners, the AC blowing hot air is not a common occurrence and they may be hard pressed to know what to do. So, what leads to this? What can you do when your AC is blowing hot air? Below, we discuss a few tips to help. Galmiche & Sons is an HVAC company that has been … Continue reading AC Blowing Hot Air? Simple AC Repair Tips

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Summer Heater Maintenance: Caring for Your Furnace in Summer

Summer Heater Maintenance Checklist

The furnace or heater is certainly the last thing on your mind during the summer. However, heater maintenance is quite important during these summer months. This ensures that your heating system is in good working condition when the summer heat fades and you need it. Although heater maintenance should be a regular occurrence, here are a couple of things that you can do during the summer to ensure that your heater is ready for the winter chill. If you are … Continue reading Summer Heater Maintenance: Caring for Your Furnace in Summer

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DIY Air Conditioner Repairs: What You Should and Should Not Try

DIY Air Conditioner Repairs & Repairs You Should Not Try

There is nothing more unnerving than going into the house during a hot summer day and still feeling like you are outside. It is also an unpleasant way to find out that your air conditioner is not working. Air conditioner repairs can take a toll on the homeowner’s budget and patience. However, it is important to know that there are some repairs that you can handle on your own while others are best left to professionals. In this article, we … Continue reading DIY Air Conditioner Repairs: What You Should and Should Not Try

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Air Conditioning Breakdown: What to Do If Your Air Conditioner Breaks

Air Conditioning Breakdown | What to Do if Your AC Breaks

Imagine this: It is just at the peak of summer. Temperatures are soaring high and all you want is to get some cool air flowing in your house. Yet for some reason, there is none. You rush to your air conditioner unit only to realize that it is not working. A call to your technician lets you know that you may have to wait a couple of days before you can get it fixed. An air conditioning breakdown during summer … Continue reading Air Conditioning Breakdown: What to Do If Your Air Conditioner Breaks

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