Tired of Having a Cold House in Winter? Check Out Our Tips to Keep Your Home Warmer

Tired of Having a Cold House in Winter?

Having to endure a cold house in winter is not something that anyone wants to deal with. When the temperatures are dropping outside and it is still chilly inside, it can be pretty frustrating. If you are experiencing a cold house in winter, there are some simple steps you can take to make your house warmer. A cold house in winter is not only uncomfortable, but it can also be dangerous for things like water pipes. Many of our tips … Continue reading Tired of Having a Cold House in Winter? Check Out Our Tips to Keep Your Home Warmer

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5 Simple Thermostat Tips to Save on Heating Bills This Winter

Tips to Save on Heating Bills This Winter

When winter is in full swing, most people like to make sure their house is nice and toasty but get a shock when the heating bills go up! Thankfully, there are some easy steps to save on heating bills without sacrificing comfort. At Galmiche & Sons, we have been in the HVAC business for a long time and know all the helpful ways to save on heating bills. To find out more about great ways to save on heating bills, … Continue reading 5 Simple Thermostat Tips to Save on Heating Bills This Winter

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Unexpected Furnace Tune Up Benefits

Furnace Tune Up Benefits

In the greater St. Louis area, regular HVAC maintenance is a fact of life. It is one of the most important things you can do for your system and there are many furnace tune up benefits that you stand to gain from. Unfortunately, many folks ignore this advice and miss out on lots of these benefits. There are quite a few great furnace tune up benefits that come with scheduling regular HVAC maintenance visits. At Galmiche & Sons, we want … Continue reading Unexpected Furnace Tune Up Benefits

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When Should You Change Your Furnace Filter?

When Should You Change Your Furnace Filter?

Filters are vital part of your HVAC system that ensure it stays running smoothly, so knowing when to change your furnace filter is important. Filters work to keep dust and debris out of the sensitive components of your heating system. A clogged filter can result in reduced airflow, which could potentially cause your heat exchanger to overheat. This scenario has the potential to result in a breakdown, which is cold and expensive. If you regularly change your furnace filter, you … Continue reading When Should You Change Your Furnace Filter?

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What is the Best Temperature for Winter for Your Furnace?

What is the Best Temperature for Winter for Your Furnace

Now that the cold months are here to stay, most homeowners want to dial in the best temperature for winter in their homes. Determining the best temperature for winter is a balancing act between comfort and cost. None of us want to spend a ton on energy, but we all want to be warm as well. The truth is the best temperature for winter can vary quite a bit. You must consider things like how many people you live, what … Continue reading What is the Best Temperature for Winter for Your Furnace?

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How New Furnace Technology Can Improve Your Lifestyle

How New Furnace Technology Can Improve Your Lifestyle

Things have come a long way in HVAC since we got our start in 1950. New furnace technology and improvements have made it easier and more affordable for people to get through the cold winter months. New furnace technology is more efficient and quieter, replacing the loud and dirty furnaces of the past. Another great aspect of new furnace technology is the cost savings passed on to customers. High efficiency furnaces are cheaper to run and save you money. Now … Continue reading How New Furnace Technology Can Improve Your Lifestyle

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Are Heat Pumps a Good Investment?

Are Heat Pumps a Good Investment

As winter holds St. Louis in its frosty grip, many of our customers wonder if heat pumps are a worthy investment. At Galmiche & Sons, we believe heat pumps are worth every penny. When it comes to getting through the cold months, you should prioritize your in-home comfort. Heat pumps are a great way to upgrade or supplement your existing HVAC system and can help it work more efficiently. If your heating system is not holding up during winter, heat … Continue reading Are Heat Pumps a Good Investment?

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Energy Efficiency in the Workplace: How to Save Energy in an Office Environment

How to Save Energy in an Office Environment

Many of us go to work every day without considering whether our office is energy efficient. Understanding how to save energy in an office is essential as many offices needlessly waste energy and money. Following these best practices for how to save energy in an office can help your office save money and contribute to a greener community. We have put together this list of tips for ways to save energy in an office as a helpful way for our … Continue reading Energy Efficiency in the Workplace: How to Save Energy in an Office Environment

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Energy Conservation vs. Indoor Air Quality: Can You Have It All?

Energy Conservation vs. Indoor Air Quality

Two of the common concerns for HVAC customers are often energy conservation and air quality. Most people want to save money on energy costs while still ensuring a healthy indoor climate in their home. Energy conservation is usually the top concern for our customers shopping for an HVAC system, while surprisingly indoor air quality is a lower priority. However, it is possible to have great indoor air quality while achieving good energy conservation at the same time. Looking for ways … Continue reading Energy Conservation vs. Indoor Air Quality: Can You Have It All?

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What Can You Expect When You Upgrade Your HVAC System?

Upgrade Your HVAC System | What to Expect

A well maintained HVAC system can last the better part of a decade, but at some point, you will probably have to upgrade your HVAC system. Unfortunately, this is a reality of being homeowner. Even if you have stuck with the recommended maintenance and servicing, you will have to upgrade your heating and cooling system at some point. When your system reaches the point that repairs are becoming more expensive and frequent, it makes sense to invest in a new … Continue reading What Can You Expect When You Upgrade Your HVAC System?

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