Is HVAC Maintenance Really Worth it?

Is HVAC Maintenance Really Worth it?

HVAC maintenance is a crucial aspect when it comes to taking care of the HVAC equipment in your home, and many homeowners know that they need to schedule HVAC maintenance at least twice each year. However, some people never understand why it is so important, and what would happen if they skipped the maintenance altogether. They may often wonder, is it really worth it? Should I stop paying for HVAC maintenance season after season? If you have any questions on … Continue reading Is HVAC Maintenance Really Worth it?

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Is a Dirty Air Filter Hindering Your Furnace Performance?

Dirty Air Filter

Having dirty air filters is one of the most common problems that homeowners face in regards to the HVAC system. It is for this reason that HVAC experts recommend that you check and clean or replace your filters regularly. A dirty air filter will be the cause of several problems, including hindering your furnace performance. Have a look at how this happens in the article below. If you are looking for an HVAC company in St. Louis or the greater … Continue reading Is a Dirty Air Filter Hindering Your Furnace Performance?

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The Truth About Common Energy Efficiency Myths

Energy Efficiency Myths Uncovered

Energy efficiency is an important issue for many homeowners. No one wants to spend a fortune on utility bills. However, something that often sets many homeowners back is the many energy efficiency myths that are perpetuated. If you are looking to save a couple of dollars and improve efficiency around your home, then you need to know the truth about some of these energy efficiency myths. In this article, we will take a look at some of the most common … Continue reading The Truth About Common Energy Efficiency Myths

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Ways We Detect Leaking Ductwork

How to Detect Leaking Ductwork

One of the biggest causes of waste and inefficiency in residential HVAC systems is the scourge of leaking ductwork. Leaking ductwork can create many different problems for your heating and cooling system, as well as wasting lots of energy over time. In fact, many of the times when people notice poor performance from a formerly well-functioning HVAC system, leaky ductwork is to blame. It is important to be proactive about sealing potential leaks in your ducts because these gaps can … Continue reading Ways We Detect Leaking Ductwork

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Thermostat Best Practices for Fall

Thermostat Best Practices for Fall

One of the easiest ways to boost your HVAC system’s efficiency is through thermostat best practices. Just learning a few thermostat best practices can help you save significantly on energy costs and get more out of your heating and cooling system. It is easy to use your thermostat to help keep your HVAC system working well. Just keep a few basic rules in mind, and you will be well on your way to better — and cheaper — heating & … Continue reading Thermostat Best Practices for Fall

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Heat Pumps: A Guide to the Three Kinds of Heat (and When to Use Them)

Heat Pumps: A Guide to Kinds of Heat

One of the biggest heat pump myths or misunderstandings out there is that a heat pump is not sufficient to warm your entire home, or that they work less effectively than a traditional furnace. What this view does not consider, though, is how heat pumps make up for the lower overall power through supplementary heating elements and finer control. The more you know about the different heating elements of heat pumps and how they work together to keep your home … Continue reading Heat Pumps: A Guide to the Three Kinds of Heat (and When to Use Them)

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Heat Pump vs. Furnace: Which Is Right for You?

Heat Pump vs. Furnace

When it comes to updating your heating system or replacing a furnace, you have a few options for heating your home effectively. For most homes, the most relevant options to consider are a heat pump vs. a furnace. These two heating methods are the most common for residential HVAC systems, and there are pros and cons on both sides in the heat pump vs. furnace debate. Of course, the best way to decide what is right for your HVAC system, … Continue reading Heat Pump vs. Furnace: Which Is Right for You?

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What is a Wireless Thermostat?

What is a Wireless Thermostat

A smart or wireless thermostat is a great way to increase control of your heating and cooling system in order to boost comfort and save money. Simply put, a wireless thermostat is a programmable thermostat that you can control from your phone or another smart device, rather than needing to program the device directly. There are a lot of reasons to consider switching to a wireless thermostat or opting for an HVAC system that has one included if you are … Continue reading What is a Wireless Thermostat?

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Radiant Heating vs. Furnace Heating: Benefits & Disadvantages of Each

Radiant Heat vs. Furnace Heat

As the air starts to cool, the need to be warm and cozy sets in almost automatically. From curling up with hot chocolate to bringing those big, fluffy blankets out from summer storage, there are a lot of ways to get ready for the coming chill. One you might not be considering, though, is upgrading or changing your HVAC system to provide better heat this fall and winter. If you think it might be time for a heating re-vamp, fall … Continue reading Radiant Heating vs. Furnace Heating: Benefits & Disadvantages of Each

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Energy Efficient HVAC Settings for Mild Fall Weather

Energy Efficient HVAC Settings for Mild Fall Weather

As the weather starts to cool and change in the fall, you might be looking forward to cozy fall activities, pumpkin spice flavored drinks, and fresh pumpkins and gourds. There is one more thing to look forward to in the fall, though, and that is more energy efficient HVAC use. Sure, it is not as fun as apple picking or pumpkin carving, but the ability to save energy and money with more energy efficient HVAC use is still a reason … Continue reading Energy Efficient HVAC Settings for Mild Fall Weather

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