A Guide to Your Home Heating Options

Guide to Your Home Heating Options

When it comes to home heating, American homeowners usually choose one of a couple popular options. The home heating system you will come across most often in the U.S. is one with a furnace, a centralized air circulation system, and a network of ducts and vents to distribute the heated air throughout the house. But apart from the furnace-based heating system, there are other home heating options available too. Before you decide to invest in a home heating system, it … Continue reading A Guide to Your Home Heating Options

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How Going Green Can Reduce Your HVAC Costs

Reduce Your HVAC Costs by Going Green

Everywhere around the world, the impact of climate change is being felt which has given rise to a growing need for a clean and green way of living. Industries, governments, and agencies all over the world are trying to introduce new ways to minimize energy consumption, lower emissions, and stop the damage that is being done to the environment. In all of this, you can also contribute your part by going green in your home. Adopting some environmentally friendly practices … Continue reading How Going Green Can Reduce Your HVAC Costs

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Tips to Increase Home Equity with HVAC System Upgrades

Increase Home Equity with HVAC System Upgrades

Did you know your HVAC system could help to increase home equity? When you think of selling your home, most buyers are obviously looking for a place that is more or less fully equipped. An updated HVAC system is one of the first things that a buyer would want in a home. Many homes have the ductwork ready but may have an old, outdated, and inefficient HVAC system installed, which can be a deal-breaker. If you are selling your home, … Continue reading Tips to Increase Home Equity with HVAC System Upgrades

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Understanding How Air Conditioner Energy Ratings Cut Down Costs

Air Conditioner Energy Ratings Cut Down Costs

Air conditioning systems are certainly a must-have for the hot St. Louis summers. But keeping aside the comfort that brings, you may have second thoughts when you see the impact it has on your energy bills. Yes, HVAC systems are quite energy-intensive, and keeping your utility bills down while using an HVAC system is tough. But with a little deliberation and research before purchasing an HVAC unit, understanding the air conditioner energy ratings can save you a great deal. To … Continue reading Understanding How Air Conditioner Energy Ratings Cut Down Costs

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What is the Most Energy Efficient Furnace?

What is the Most Energy Efficient Furnace?

An energy efficient furnace can save you so much trouble and money in the long run. Such a furnace will not overuse electricity and will lower expenses. But, how do you know which furnace is the most energy efficient and what you need to buy? Well, you have come to the right place. At Galmiche & Sons, we are reputed heating and air conditioning experts in St. Louis. We can help you choose an energy efficient furnace that is affordable … Continue reading What is the Most Energy Efficient Furnace?

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HVAC Hacks to Save Money on Your Energy Bills This Winter

HVAC Hacks to Save on Energy Bills in Winter

Winters in St. Louis can be quite difficult. And sadly, keeping your home warm during winters is a luxury that does not come for free. From water heaters to HVAC systems, everything contributes more to your energy bills these cold months. But a comfortable living situation does not have to be a burden on you. With a little smart planning and a few useful HVAC hacks, you can save significantly on the money you spend on heating and cooling. But … Continue reading HVAC Hacks to Save Money on Your Energy Bills This Winter

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Common Air Conditioner Misunderstandings that Could be Costing You

Air Conditioner Misunderstandings

In our 70 years of experience repairing and servicing air conditioner units, we have found ourselves addressing some common misunderstandings about how they work. Our technicians have done their best to provide guidance and solutions to home and business owners on maintaining their AC in top condition. Here is a look at the three most common problems and their fixes. If you would like to learn more about keeping your air conditioning running efficiently and to schedule AC service in … Continue reading Common Air Conditioner Misunderstandings that Could be Costing You

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Improve AC Efficiency with a New Smart Thermostat

Improve AC Efficiency with Smart Thermostat

If you are looking for a break in your energy bills and want a better running HVAC system altogether, a new smart thermostat may be the simple answer to improving AC efficiency in your home. With plenty of options available on the market to meet almost any type of budget, let’s look at just how they can improve AC efficiency and what else they do. If you would like to look at other options to improve your AC’s efficiency, or … Continue reading Improve AC Efficiency with a New Smart Thermostat

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10 Tips to Save Money on Air Conditioning Costs

Tips to Save Money on Air Conditioning Costs

Air conditioning costs can be mystifying at times. Why are they fine one month and out of control the next? And what can you do to get them back in line? Many homeowners find themselves asking these same questions and it is no surprise why. Our air conditioners keep us happy, healthy, and comfortable all summer long. With the following tips in mind and the help of the Galmiche & Sons heating & air conditioning experts, you can demystify your … Continue reading 10 Tips to Save Money on Air Conditioning Costs

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Tips to Keep Cool without Raising Your AC Bills

Keep Cool without Raising Your AC Bills

Keeping cool in the summer can be a struggle. Especially if you are trying to be mindful of your AC bills. While it might seem like you must choose between comfort and cost, this doesn’t have to be true. There are some tried and true ways to make sure your home stays cool and comfortable in the summer without raising your AC bills. Read on to learn more or, call your heating & air conditioning team at Galmiche & Sons … Continue reading Tips to Keep Cool without Raising Your AC Bills

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