How to Increase Your Home’s Energy Efficiency with Indoor Air Quality Systems

Increase Energy Efficiency with Indoor Air Quality Systems

The main aspects that homeowners consider when they think about HVAC usually include indoor air quality, comfort, and costs. However, many people do not realize that indoor air quality systems and products like humidifiers and air filters can not only boost in home comfort, but they can also help save you money. Solutions for indoor air quality can help to make your home more energy efficient. Combining air quality and energy efficiency is a win-win for homeowners. Here at Galmiche … Continue reading How to Increase Your Home’s Energy Efficiency with Indoor Air Quality Systems

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Tips to Save on Air Conditioner Energy Use without Replacing Equipment

Save on Air Conditioner Energy Use without Replacing Equipment

At some point, every home and business owner must confront the fact that their HVAC system is getting older and perhaps is not as efficient as it once was. This becomes particularly noticeable during the summer months when aging air conditioner energy use make you electric bills skyrocket. While most people suggest that a whole system replacement is the best way to save, sometimes this just not a feasible option, especially if your air conditioner is still working. However, here … Continue reading Tips to Save on Air Conditioner Energy Use without Replacing Equipment

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The Future of HVAC: New HVAC Technology for Your HVAC System

New HVAC Technology for Your HVAC System

Every day, society brings about new advances in technology, built on the best parts of the previous advances. Of course, riding this wave of ingenuity is HVAC technology, which continues to lead to systems that deliver their users with incredible energy efficiency, reduced fuel usage if not zero-energy ratings altogether, and the improved comfort and convenience that comes along with it all. While people may feel that the newest advances in HVAC technology can only be reserved for new home … Continue reading The Future of HVAC: New HVAC Technology for Your HVAC System

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Save on Your Energy Bills with Optimal Temperature Settings

Save on Energy Bills with Optimal Temperature Settings

When the more extreme temperatures begin to set in here in St. Louis, whether that is our very chilly winters, or our hot and humid summers, the first thing most of us want to do is change the thermostat way up (or way down!). However, when the unfortunate reality of those energy bills kicks in, we tend to become a little more judicious with that thermostat dial. The good news is that there are ways in which you can enjoy … Continue reading Save on Your Energy Bills with Optimal Temperature Settings

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HVAC Zoning Systems 101: A Basic Guide

Guide to HVAC Zoning System

HVAC zoning systems are one of the greatest ways homeowners can reduce their energy usage and make their HVAC systems work less with more efficiency. There are a great many advantages that come with making HVAC zoning systems a part of your home comfort, with a few drawbacks as well. In this article, we explore the basics of HVAC zoning systems and what they could mean for your home. If you are in the market for an HVAC zoning system … Continue reading HVAC Zoning Systems 101: A Basic Guide

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How to Adjust Your Thermostat Up a Few Degrees in Summer to Realize Significant Savings

How to Adjust Your Thermostat Up a Few Degrees in Summer for Savings

Summer in St. Louis is knocking on the door, which means time to get ready for those warm rays of sunshine, BBQs, pool time, and running your air conditioner all day long. Before you start to shudder thinking of the energy costs that come with the extended use of your air conditioner though, let us give you a few pointers on how to adjust your thermostat just a bit in order to see significant savings in your energy bills. In … Continue reading How to Adjust Your Thermostat Up a Few Degrees in Summer to Realize Significant Savings

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Setting Your Smart Thermostat for Spring & Setting Yourself Up for Savings

Setting Your Smart Thermostat for Spring

Spring weather means birds chirping and the smell of new life as flowers begin to bloom and the trees start to come back to life. Spring weather also brings with it the unpredictability of the season. In St. Louis, we know the weather can change from day to day as spring starts to settle and summer approaches. Because of this unpredictability, sometimes it is hard to know what temperature to set in our homes on any given day. However, your … Continue reading Setting Your Smart Thermostat for Spring & Setting Yourself Up for Savings

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Can High Ceilings Affect HVAC Efficiency?

High Ceilings & HVAC Efficiency

Vaulted ceilings are often a statement feature in stately rooms and buildings all over the United States. Many American homes have living rooms, kitchens, or bedrooms that emulate this feature with their own high ceilings. While they are lovely to look at, sometimes a high ceiling means less than optimum HVAC efficiency and creeping energy bills. Is it possible to enjoy a high ceiling in your home while maintaining some semblance of efficiency from your HVAC system? While they are … Continue reading Can High Ceilings Affect HVAC Efficiency?

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Ceiling Fan Buying Guide: Tips for Choosing the Best Ceiling Fan

Ceiling Fan Buying Guide

Sometimes a forgotten fixture on the ceiling, fans can actually have a vital role in your home’s comfort and can even help add to the décor of the room they occupy. But a ceiling fan is just a ceiling fan, right? Nope. They come in all shapes and sizes and with different capacity loads. In order to help our customers when it comes to picking out ceilings fan for their homes, below we present a Ceiling Fan Buying Guide with … Continue reading Ceiling Fan Buying Guide: Tips for Choosing the Best Ceiling Fan

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Should You Use Your Tax Refund on a New HVAC System?

Use Your Tax Refund for a New HVAC System

It is a new year, and for many St. Louis families that means looking forward to receiving their tax refund. The big question then becomes, how is the best way to spend the money you get back? Buying a new HVAC system may be one of the better decisions you can make. Read below and we will tell you why. In the greater St. Louis area, if you are in the market for a HVAC system upgrade and would like … Continue reading Should You Use Your Tax Refund on a New HVAC System?

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