The Truth About Common Energy Efficiency Myths

Energy Efficiency Myths Uncovered

Energy efficiency is an important issue for many homeowners. No one wants to spend a fortune on utility bills. However, something that often sets many homeowners back is the many energy efficiency myths that are perpetuated. If you are looking to save a couple of dollars and improve efficiency around your home, then you need to know the truth about some of these energy efficiency myths. In this article, we will take a look at some of the most common … Continue reading The Truth About Common Energy Efficiency Myths

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Ways We Detect Leaking Ductwork

How to Detect Leaking Ductwork

One of the biggest causes of waste and inefficiency in residential HVAC systems is the scourge of leaking ductwork. Leaking ductwork can create many different problems for your heating and cooling system, as well as wasting lots of energy over time. In fact, many of the times when people notice poor performance from a formerly well-functioning HVAC system, leaky ductwork is to blame. It is important to be proactive about sealing potential leaks in your ducts because these gaps can … Continue reading Ways We Detect Leaking Ductwork

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Thermostat Best Practices for Fall

Thermostat Best Practices for Fall

One of the easiest ways to boost your HVAC system’s efficiency is through thermostat best practices. Just learning a few thermostat best practices can help you save significantly on energy costs and get more out of your heating and cooling system. It is easy to use your thermostat to help keep your HVAC system working well. Just keep a few basic rules in mind, and you will be well on your way to better — and cheaper — heating & … Continue reading Thermostat Best Practices for Fall

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What is a Wireless Thermostat?

What is a Wireless Thermostat

A smart or wireless thermostat is a great way to increase control of your heating and cooling system in order to boost comfort and save money. Simply put, a wireless thermostat is a programmable thermostat that you can control from your phone or another smart device, rather than needing to program the device directly. There are a lot of reasons to consider switching to a wireless thermostat or opting for an HVAC system that has one included if you are … Continue reading What is a Wireless Thermostat?

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Energy Efficient HVAC Settings for Mild Fall Weather

Energy Efficient HVAC Settings for Mild Fall Weather

As the weather starts to cool and change in the fall, you might be looking forward to cozy fall activities, pumpkin spice flavored drinks, and fresh pumpkins and gourds. There is one more thing to look forward to in the fall, though, and that is more energy efficient HVAC use. Sure, it is not as fun as apple picking or pumpkin carving, but the ability to save energy and money with more energy efficient HVAC use is still a reason … Continue reading Energy Efficient HVAC Settings for Mild Fall Weather

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Tips for Creating a More Efficient Smart Home: HVAC Upgrades

Tips for Creating a More Efficient Smart Home

The rise of smart devices and the internet of things has made life more comfortable than ever and helped millions of people save time, energy, and money by taking control of their home. In the modern smart home, you can find controls for lighting, cameras, locks, and more. Every day more amenities are wired into the smart device network. This helps you as a homeowner control how much energy you use and allows you to adjust settings from your phone, … Continue reading Tips for Creating a More Efficient Smart Home: HVAC Upgrades

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Home Dehumidifier Benefits & How One Can Benefit You

Home Dehumidifier Benefits

Adding a home dehumidifier benefits both your HVAC system specifically and your home as a whole. Humidity brings a lot of problems with it, from increased mold and mildew growth to improper air conditioner function. Among the many dehumidifier benefits to be realized are reduced energy use, better AC functionality, and even improved air quality. To learn more about dehumidifier benefits and the best dehumidifier for your heating & air conditioning needs, get in touch with Galmiche & Sons today. … Continue reading Home Dehumidifier Benefits & How One Can Benefit You

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HVAC Cleaning: 4 Reasons You Can’t Afford to Skip Regular Cleaning & Maintenance

HVAC Cleaning Tips & Tricks

You might not realize just how much dust, debris, and particle matter is in your air — in part, because your HVAC system works hard to take it out and keep the air inside fresh and clean. All that dust has to go somewhere, though, and that is why regular HVAC cleaning is an important part of maintaining a healthy home, as well as a well-functioning HVAC system. An annual cleaning and maintenance visit should be a regular part of … Continue reading HVAC Cleaning: 4 Reasons You Can’t Afford to Skip Regular Cleaning & Maintenance

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A Guide to Different HVAC System Types

Guide to Different HVAC System Types

Knowing the difference between different HVAC system types can come in handy when choosing a new HVAC system for your home, business, or property. You might think there are just a few HVAC types appropriate for different uses, but there are actually a lot of options on the market today. Part of what has driven the rise of newer and newer HVAC system types is the push for more energy efficient HVAC models. This has led to all kinds of … Continue reading A Guide to Different HVAC System Types

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Tips to Reduce Air Conditioner Energy Usage

Reduce Air Conditioner Energy Usage

There are a lot of good reasons to try and keep your air conditioner energy usage in line. Not only is it good for the environment, but it can also majorly reduce your energy bills as well. Plus, there are often rebates and other special programs available for those who take key steps to keep their air conditioner energy usage down. It is also something people look out for when they are inspecting a home’s heating & air conditioning system … Continue reading Tips to Reduce Air Conditioner Energy Usage

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