Common Thermostat Problems that Can Cost You Money

Thermostat Problems | St. Louis HVAC TipsThermostat Problems

The thermostat is at the heart of every heating and cooling system. It senses what the temperature is and adjusts the heating and cooling system so that the people living inside the home are comfortable at all times. While this may seem simple, not everything is always smooth sailing. There are many thermostat problems that could affect comfort and energy costs. If your air conditioner, heater, or furnace malfunctions or simply does not seem to operating efficiently, and you have … Continue reading Common Thermostat Problems that Can Cost You Money

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Thermostat Myths Revealed

Thermostat Myths | St. Louis HVAC Tips

If we only had ourselves to rely on when keeping the temperature in our homes comfortable, we would have to continuously switch on and off and fiddle with our heater or air conditioners’ controls. Thankfully, the thermostat is here to get the job done for us! The thermostat plays an important role in your HVAC system. This handy device senses the temperature in the air, regulates your air conditioner and heater, and is responsible for providing a comfortable temperature inside … Continue reading Thermostat Myths Revealed

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What is a Multi-Stage Air Conditioner?

Multi-Stage Air Conditioner | St. Louis HVAC

Shopping around for a new air conditioner? You might want to consider purchasing a multi-stage air conditioner for your home or business. The main difference between a standard AC unit and a multi-stage air conditioner is the kind of compressor used in the system. The multi-stage air conditioner employs a variable speed air handler to adjust the air flow inside the home, so that you and your family can achieve the ultimate in comfort. How a Multi-Stage Air Conditioner Works … Continue reading What is a Multi-Stage Air Conditioner?

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Running Your Air Conditioner for Your Pets: What You Need to Know

Running Air Conditioner when Pets are Home Alone

We all want what is best for our furry friends, which is why we provide for them—be it food, water, toys, or shelter. We want them to be as comfortable as possible, so when it comes to your heating and air conditioning system, you should also take your pets into consideration. Read on for some tips for ensuring your pets are cool and comfortable while still running your air conditioner efficiently during the summer months. Common Air Conditioner Concerns for … Continue reading Running Your Air Conditioner for Your Pets: What You Need to Know

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Air Conditioner Costs: Comparing Initial Costs with Lifetime Costs

Comparing Air Conditioner Costs

A lot of factors come into play when buying a new air conditioning system for the home or business. If budget is a huge factor, you need to know and consider all of your air conditioner costs before making the final decision. For more information and for help determining your air conditioner costs in the greater St. Louis area, contact the heating and air conditioning experts at Galmiche & Sons today! Upfront Cost Does Not Cover All of Your Air … Continue reading Air Conditioner Costs: Comparing Initial Costs with Lifetime Costs

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The Best Thermostat Tips from St. Louis HVAC Professionals

Thermostat Tips for St. Louis Heating & Cooling

You probably pass by your thermostat every day and do not give it much attention, but it is one of the most important parts of your HVAC system. The thermostat is a climate-controlling device that detects the temperature in the house and regulates your heating and air conditioning system. With the help of some thermostat tips, you can program your air conditioning system to provide you with comfort at all times while also saving you money on your energy bills. … Continue reading The Best Thermostat Tips from St. Louis HVAC Professionals

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What to Do When Your Air Conditioner Breaks: Tips to Stay Cool with No Air Conditioning

No Air Conditioning | Tips to Stay Cool

It happens to the best of us. You decided to stay in over the weekend due to the extremely hot weather, only for your air conditioner to conk out just when you need it the most. So how do you cope with no air conditioning? No Air Conditioning? Keep Your Cool with These Tips While it is never fun to be without AC in the middle of a heat wave on a hot and humid St. Louis summer day, here … Continue reading What to Do When Your Air Conditioner Breaks: Tips to Stay Cool with No Air Conditioning

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Energy Saving Tips to Cool Your Home This Summer

Cool Your Home in St. Louis

Now that summer is in full swing, the hot, humid weather in St. Louis can be unbearable even if you have the air conditioner turned on. However, that does not mean that you and your family have to suffer during these hot summer days. Easy Tips to Cool Your Home Here are some of the things you can do to cool your home and keep everyone comfortable while saving money and energy this summer: Weather stripping your home – If … Continue reading Energy Saving Tips to Cool Your Home This Summer

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Factors to Consider When Buying a Ductless Air Conditioner

Buying a Ductless Air Conditioner in St. Louis

Whether you are looking to buy a new air conditioner or looking to replace an old one, consider getting a ductless air conditioner during the decision process. Also known as a mini-split air conditioner, the ductless air conditioning system is composed of three main parts: the outdoor condenser unit that pumps cold air inside the home, the indoor unit that releases the cold air, and the refrigerant lines that connect the two parts together. Here are some of the factors … Continue reading Factors to Consider When Buying a Ductless Air Conditioner

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What is a Mini-Split System?

Mini-Split System | St. Louis HVAC

Nowadays there are many different options when it comes to home air conditioning systems, and many people are looking at the more affordable and efficient options of using a mini-split system either in addition to or in place of traditional whole home air conditioners. These are ductless systems that have all the benefits without the hassle that a ducted system would bring. Read on to learn more or contact the heating & air conditioning experts at Galmiche & Sons in … Continue reading What is a Mini-Split System?

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