How Home Energy Audits Translate to Energy Savings

Home Energy Audits in St. Louis

While often overlooked, home energy audits can bring a number of benefits to homeowners. During these, the auditor prepares a detailed report that not only identifies areas of energy inefficiency but also recommends solutions to address these problems. If you are interested in scheduling an audit or learning more about having an energy audit conducted in your home, you can contact the local St. Louis HVAC professionals at Galmiche & Sons today. Benefits of a Home Energy Audit Lower electricity … Continue reading How Home Energy Audits Translate to Energy Savings

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Benefits of a WiFi Thermostat

WiFi Thermostat Benefits

As an increasing number of people purchase smart phones, smart technology is becoming more prevalent in the St. Louis area. One very beneficial use of smart phones is the ability to integrate modern technology with your home, such as with a WiFi thermostat, which gives homeowners added convenience when it comes to maintaining comfortable temperatures in their home. To learn more about getting a wireless thermostat for your home, contact the heating & air conditioning professionals at Galmiche & Sons … Continue reading Benefits of a WiFi Thermostat

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How High Efficiency Air Conditioners Work

High Efficiency Air Conditioners | St. Louis HVAC

High efficiency air conditioners have changed over time. What it means today is very different from what it meant 20, 10, or even just a few years ago. Modern technology has changed resulting in changes to how we manage our everyday lifestyles. Additionally, various government mandates and rebates for utilities have also helped transform the industry for high efficiency systems. All of these things have impacted modern high efficiency air conditioners. Air Conditioners that are high efficiency get their energy … Continue reading How High Efficiency Air Conditioners Work

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Spring Cleaning Tips for Energy Savings

Tips for Energy Savings

Spring is in the air here in St. Louis – which means spring cleaning! Aside from purging your closet and getting around to dusting the blinds, here are some tips and tricks you can do that will increase energy savings around your home. If you have unaddressed questions or want to learn more about improving energy efficiency in your HVAC System, reach out to our St. Louis heating & air conditioning company for additional support. 10 Energy Saving Tips: Schedule … Continue reading Spring Cleaning Tips for Energy Savings

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Air Conditioner Replacement: Benefits of Replacing Your Furnace & A/C Together

Air Conditioner Replacement in St. Louis

Everyone desires comfortable temperatures in their home year-round, and a well-functioning furnace and air conditioner are necessary to maintain ideal temperatures no matter the season. When you consider a furnace or air conditioner replacement, you may think it is more cost-effective to replace the faulty system and wait to replace the other when it starts malfunctioning. Contrary to that, you can save money and energy in the long run if you replace the air conditioner and furnace simultaneously. The average … Continue reading Air Conditioner Replacement: Benefits of Replacing Your Furnace & A/C Together

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HVAC Energy Efficiency Pitfalls to Avoid

Improve HVAC Energy Efficiency in St. Louis

As the movement to be more “green” grows larger, people are placing more and more importance on their home’s energy efficiency. Since heating and cooling often accounts for the largest portion of a home’s energy bill, HVAC energy efficiency has become a big focus. All it takes is a quick Google search to find all sorts of HVAC energy efficiency tips and tricks from all around the web. However, many of these tips (while being well-intentioned) can actually hurt your … Continue reading HVAC Energy Efficiency Pitfalls to Avoid

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Tips to Resolve Heating Disputes in Your Home

Resolve Heating Disputes

Now that St. Louis winter weather has set in and the chill is undoubtedly in the air, the cold weather can make anybody grumpy, and arguments over what number should display on the thermostat can become heated, fast! Rather than succumbing to household battles over the thermostat, check out some of the handy tips below to reduce stress and help everyone in your home find comfort. Improving your home’s heating efficiency – Perhaps part of the argument about the heat … Continue reading Tips to Resolve Heating Disputes in Your Home

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Are Exhaust Fans Contributing to Heat Loss in Your Home?

Causes of Heat Loss

Heat loss is frustrating when you are trying to warm up your house as the chilly St. Louis winter sets in. Typically, you might assume that an improperly sealed window or a poorly framed door is the culprit. However, you may need to consider that another potential source of heat loss in your home can be your exhaust fans. Exhaust fans are a necessary part of your home’s ventilation system. They remove unwanted airborne particles and moisture from the room … Continue reading Are Exhaust Fans Contributing to Heat Loss in Your Home?

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How Your Commercial HVAC System Impacts Employee Productivity

Commercial HVAC Systems & Employee Productivity

There are a lot of factors that contribute to employee productivity and efficiency in a work environment. Most people know that one of the most important is physical comfort, so money is spent on ergonomic desks and chairs with lumbar support, but oftentimes the role the commercial HVAC system plays is overlooked. Without a properly managed commercial HVAC system, employees can get too cold to focus, or so warm that they feel tired, sluggish, and uncomfortable. This frustration can lead … Continue reading How Your Commercial HVAC System Impacts Employee Productivity

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5 Signs You Need to Replace Your Furnace

Replace Your Furnace in St. Louis

The average life expectancy of your furnace is about 15 to 20 years, according to the US Department of Energy. If you are like most people, however, you probably do not think about your furnace until it starts “telling you” it needs some attention. So, how do you know when it is time to replace your furnace? The following are some top signs that it may be time to replace your furnace. To learn more or to request a quote … Continue reading 5 Signs You Need to Replace Your Furnace

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