5 Signs You Need to Replace Your Furnace

Replace Your Furnace in St. Louis

The average life expectancy of your furnace is about 15 to 20 years, according to the US Department of Energy. If you are like most people, however, you probably do not think about your furnace until it starts “telling you” it needs some attention. So, how do you know when it is time to replace your furnace? The following are some top signs that it may be time to replace your furnace. To learn more or to request a quote … Continue reading 5 Signs You Need to Replace Your Furnace

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How Leaky Air Ducts Affect Heating and Cooling System Efficiency

Leaky Air Ducts & HVAC Efficiency

Your heating and cooling system comprises almost 50% of the energy consumption in your home, and the ductwork plays a significant role in its efficiency. If you have noticed a recent spike in energy consumption or you think that your HVAC system may not be operating as efficiently as it should, consider scheduling an inspection for leaky air ducts in order to make your home more energy efficient. To schedule an appointment in St. Louis and to learn more about … Continue reading How Leaky Air Ducts Affect Heating and Cooling System Efficiency

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Home Energy Audit FAQs

Home Energy Audit in St. Louis

What is a home energy audit, and do I really need one? A home energy audit is a comprehensive, whole-house assessment done on your home to evaluate the factors that contribute to its energy inefficiency. It is an absolute essential in order to make your home energy-efficient and to lessen your energy bills. The age of the home is a huge factor in its energy efficiency. If your home is more than 10 years old, then it should definitely undergo … Continue reading Home Energy Audit FAQs

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Efficient Thermostat Settings: What Should I Turn the Thermostat to During the Day?

Efficient Thermostat Settings in St. Louis

As a practical homeowner, you are probably always looking for various ways to save money and lower your heating and cooling bills. One way to do this is to adjust your thermostat settings based on the time of the day or whatever the season is. Making small changes in your thermostat settings can have a big impact on efficiency over time as the savings add up. Aside from adjusting your thermostat settings, you can also contact a reliable heating and … Continue reading Efficient Thermostat Settings: What Should I Turn the Thermostat to During the Day?

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Do’s and Don’ts for HVAC Energy Efficiency

HVAC Energy Efficiency Tips

With the colder weather upon us, it is important to have your heating system ready and up to the task of providing warmth and comfort to you and your loved ones this winter season. However, when it comes to heating your home, the costs can get pretty expensive. We  have provided a list of some do’s and don’ts to help you improve the efficiency of your HVAC system this winter and keep your system working efficiently all winter long. If … Continue reading Do’s and Don’ts for HVAC Energy Efficiency

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Building Energy Efficiency: Common Sources of Energy Loss in Commercial Buildings

Building Energy Efficiency | Sources of Energy Loss

Much like how a car depreciates in value the moment it is driven off the lot, your commercial building’s energy efficiency starts to decrease immediately after construction. As time and use take their toll on the structure and the machinery inside of it, electricity bills start to rise. Seeing as how a big part of running a business is not only to make money, but to also prevent its loss, we thought it would be helpful to provide a short … Continue reading Building Energy Efficiency: Common Sources of Energy Loss in Commercial Buildings

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Furnace Filters 101: A Basic Guide to Air Filters

Furnace Filters 101

Unfortunately, many people do not realize the importance of furnace filters. A bad or dirty furnace filter can spread dust, pollen, allergens, bacteria, and other pollutants throughout your home, which can become harmful to the health of every one living there. Not to mention that dirty furnace filters can clog your system and decrease the efficiency and effectiveness of your heating and cooling systems. When replacing your filter, is important to select the right furnace filters for the heating and … Continue reading Furnace Filters 101: A Basic Guide to Air Filters

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Do-It-Yourself Home Energy Assessment

DIY Home Energy Assessment

While the best way to conduct a complete Home Energy Assessment is to contact a professional, you can also conduct a basic walk-through on your own. Although it may not be as thorough as a professional Home Energy Assessment, the do-it-yourself Home Energy Assessment will save you time and money while helping you pinpoint some of the more noticeable problems that are draining your energy! Energy-saving technology has become more and more desirable in recent years, and for good reason … Continue reading Do-It-Yourself Home Energy Assessment

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When Should I Turn on My Furnace?

Furnace Tips

Fall is here, and the cold St. Louis weather is just starting to set in. During this time many people are left wondering when is best to turn their furnace on for the first time. Like many budget conscious homeowners, you may be tempted to leave the furnace off as long as you can to save money, but you may want to think again. While it can be a debatable conversation, most experts recommend turning on your furnace sooner rather … Continue reading When Should I Turn on My Furnace?

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Does Closing Off Vents Improve Heating Energy Efficiency?

Heating Energy Efficiency in St. Louis

There has always been a notion that closing off vents to rooms where you do not need the heat actually improved heating energy efficiency. While this might sound like a logical thing to do, it is actually far from it and there are many reasons as to why this is so. First, before we look at the reasons why closing off vents will not increase heating energy efficiency, it is important to consider that is always best to turn to … Continue reading Does Closing Off Vents Improve Heating Energy Efficiency?

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