The Green Guide to Heating: Eco-Friendly Heating Options for Your Home

The Green Guide to Heating: Eco-Friendly Heating Options for Your Home

People across the globe have certainly experienced the ill effects of climate change over the last decade. Bringing about positive change requires plenty of effort and conscious choices in our day-to-day lives so that we can restore the health and beauty of the planet. In doing so, many companies have begun adopting eco-friendly practices in their manufacturing processes and have presented people with sustainable, energy efficient choices in their products. The world of HVAC hasn’t been left behind, as we … Continue reading The Green Guide to Heating: Eco-Friendly Heating Options for Your Home

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Myth Busters: Separating HVAC Efficiency Facts from Fiction

Myth Busters: Separating HVAC Efficiency Facts from Fiction

Most of us have had HVAC units in our homes for as long as we can remember. With this also comes a lot of tips we might have learned over time or new “HVAC hacks”, we might see go viral on social media. Truth is – there are a lot of myths surrounding HVAC systems, and we’ve all probably become victims of false information. In this guide, we will discuss the most common HVAC myths and also the HVAC efficiency … Continue reading Myth Busters: Separating HVAC Efficiency Facts from Fiction

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Energy-Efficient HVAC Options to Upgrade Your Comfort, Not Your Heating Bill

Energy-Efficient HVAC Options to Upgrade Your Comfort, Not Your Heating Bill

While having a well-functioning HVAC can be a necessity, it doesn’t have to drain your bank account. Several heating and cooling options available for homes today can hike up energy bills, which, combined with maintenance costs, can get quite expensive. In this guide, we walk you through some energy-efficient HVAC options for your home that don’t compromise on comfort and remain easy on the pocket. Read on to learn more! To request  quote for the most energy-efficient HVAC options for … Continue reading Energy-Efficient HVAC Options to Upgrade Your Comfort, Not Your Heating Bill

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Busting Winter Heating Myths: Fact or Fiction?

Busting Winter Heating Myths: Fact or Fiction?

Ever wondered if you are letting heat out by opening your windows in winter? Or if cranking out the thermostat will heat your home faster? Are some truths, in fact, widely-held misconceptions? In this article we explore some common winter heating myths, and provide the truths that can help keep you warm this winter while saving on heating bills. For more HVAC tips and answers to any HVAC issues you may be facing, contact the St. Louis heating and air … Continue reading Busting Winter Heating Myths: Fact or Fiction?

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How Upgrading Your Furnace Saves Money on Your Power Bill

How Upgrading Your Furnace Saves Money on Your Power Bill

Are you a St. Louis resident looking to buy a new furnace but aren’t sure if it is the right choice? Upgrading your furnace requires a significant investment. So, it is natural to think about this several times before deciding. As you think about buying a new unit, you should know that upgrading your furnace isn’t just about replacing an old unit with a new one. It also includes optimizing its components for better efficiency and energy savings. So, if … Continue reading How Upgrading Your Furnace Saves Money on Your Power Bill

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3 Eco-Friendly Heating Systems to Consider in 2024

3 Eco Friendly Heating Systems to Consider in 2024

As the world moves towards a greener and more sustainable future, adopting eco-friendly practices like recycling and reusing is not enough. It should also encompass shifting to energy-efficient appliances, including your home heating systems. The demand for eco-friendly heating systems continues to grow, offering efficient and sustainable alternatives to traditional heating methods. Eco-friendly heating systems not only help you reduce environmental impact but also provide great efficiency and money-saving opportunities. If you want to adopt a more carbon-free lifestyle in … Continue reading 3 Eco-Friendly Heating Systems to Consider in 2024

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Thermostat Programming Tips for All-Year Comfort

Thermostat Programming Tips for All-Year Comfort

With the changing seasons, your indoor and outdoor heating and cooling requirements also change. While summer requires you to keep your house nice and cool, you might need a toastier and cozier home in winter. Your thermostat programming plays a crucial role in ensuring your house has the most suitable temperature and comfortable environment all year long. Programming your thermostat correctly will keep your indoor temperature in accordance with the changing weather while saving money on energy bills. In this … Continue reading Thermostat Programming Tips for All-Year Comfort

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Top Tips for Checking for Air Leaks in Your Home

Top Tips for Checking for Air Leaks in Your Home

Do you feel drafts of air coming in through your doors and windows? Has the temperature in your house been fluctuating lately? Are your energy bills unusually high? If your answer to all these questions is yes, then your home may have air leaks. Air leaks are basically unintended gaps and cracks in the walls, doors, windows, roofs, and other parts of your house. As the name suggests, they allow outside air to enter or indoor air to escape. As … Continue reading Top Tips for Checking for Air Leaks in Your Home

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Where is the Best Thermostat Placement in Your Home?

Where is the Best Thermostat Placement in Your Home?

When it comes to maximizing your home’s energy efficiency and keeping it adequately warm or cool, your thermostat’s placement can make a huge difference. Choosing the best thermostat placement can guarantee your HVAC system is working at its best and keeping your home cozy all year. On the other hand, incorrect placement can often cause inadequate heating or cooling, and can even increase your energy bills. But, where is the best thermostat placement in your home? Read this blog post … Continue reading Where is the Best Thermostat Placement in Your Home?

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Tips to Conserve Energy on HVAC Costs in Any Season

Tips to Conserve Energy on HVAC Costs in Any Season

No matter what season it is, your HVAC unit plays a critical role in keeping your home or commercial building nice and comfortable. However, with the rising cost of energy bills, managing your budget can often become a challenge. As home or building owners, we all want to save money on our energy bills without sacrificing comfort. An excellent way to do this is to conserve energy on HVAC costs. In this blog post, we will tell you about some … Continue reading Tips to Conserve Energy on HVAC Costs in Any Season

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