Get These Furnace Installation Steps Right to Get it Done Faster

Furnace Installation Steps

Installing a new heating system or furnace can be quite a task. It is a time- and effort-intensive process, both for the homeowner and the HVAC technician. But if you follow the furnace installation steps correctly, you could get it done in minimum time and with no fuss. The faster you can get over with the furnace installation, the faster you get access to a warmer, more comfortable home. If your HVAC system is too old, faulty, or inefficient, and … Continue reading Get These Furnace Installation Steps Right to Get it Done Faster

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How Long Does Furnace Installation Take?

How Long Does Furnace Installation Take?

At Galmiche & Sons, we usually recommend getting your heating system checked and serviced during the fall. This saves you the trouble of having to get repairs or replacements done in the event that your HVAC system suddenly fails in the middle of the chilly winters. It could be a major inconvenience if you have to get a new furnace installed in the middle of winter because that often means you have to do without your heater until it is … Continue reading How Long Does Furnace Installation Take?

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Why Should You Upgrade Your Heater

Why Should You Upgrade Your Heater

Wondering if you should upgrade your heater this winter? While heating systems are designed to last for a long time, they can develop problems like most other appliances. An old furnace may not be heating your home as it used to, or you may find yourself calling up HVAC professionals frequently for repairs. A unit that is not functioning properly will also use up more energy to heat your home, boosting your energy bills every month. If you suspect that … Continue reading Why Should You Upgrade Your Heater

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Why You Shouldn’t Wait for Furnace Replacement

Why You Shouldn’t Wait for Furnace Replacement

The furnace is a very important part of your HVAC system, and without it, the cold winters can be a nightmare. Have you been told by an HVAC technician that you need a furnace replacement? And have you been putting it off for a while now? If you have paid for furnace repairs numerous times in the past few years or if your furnace is more than ten years old, you probably should not be delaying the replacement any further. … Continue reading Why You Shouldn’t Wait for Furnace Replacement

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Furnace Installation Tips To Prevent Future Repairs

Furnace Installation Tips to Prevent Repairs

Every St. Louis homeowner knows that the heating system plays a key role in ensuring their comfort during the winter. As it is one of the major household investments, it is vital to do your research not only before buying a furnace, but also when installing it. Given the various complex components, including ducting, electrical, gas, and plumbing, furnace installation requires specialized tools and installation expertise. Getting it right is the key to preventing future problems and expensive repairs. Read … Continue reading Furnace Installation Tips To Prevent Future Repairs

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What to Expect from Your New Furnace Installation

What to Expect from Your New Furnace Installation

At some point or another, due to age or updating, every home will require new furnace installation. This is nothing to be stressed about as a furnace installation is generally a straightforward and simple undertaking. Working with a reliable HVAC company is essential in ensuring that your new furnace installation goes smoothly. Understanding what to expect when you are getting a new furnace helps to take some of the stress and mystery out of the process. Here at Galmiche & … Continue reading What to Expect from Your New Furnace Installation

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The Who, What, Why, Where, and Hows of Furnace Replacement

Furnace Replacement Tips

Fall has arrived in the St. Louis area, temperatures are cooling down and winter will be here before you know it. Furnaces play a big role in comfort during these cold months of the year. If you are considering furnace replacement, the process may seem difficult or daunting, but we at Galmiche & Sons are here to help! We have compiled a list of basic things to consider before the furnace replacement process can begin. If you are interested in … Continue reading The Who, What, Why, Where, and Hows of Furnace Replacement

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Furnace Installation: Why You Need to Trust the Professionals

Professional Furnace Installation in St. Louis

Self-sufficiency is always a great feeling, especially when it comes to projects around the house, but some tasks are better left to the professionals. When it comes to furnace installation, you are always better off in the hands of a pro. We at Galmiche & Sons have taken the time to highlight the benefits of expert furnace installation for you! If you are in the market for a new furnace for your St. Louis area home or business, contact the … Continue reading Furnace Installation: Why You Need to Trust the Professionals

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