Top Reasons for Cold Spots in Your House: Solutions for Home Heating Inefficiencies

Reasons for Cold Spots in Your House

Throughout the winter season, you may have noticed some cold spots in your house. If so, you are probably also wondering where they came from and how to resolve them. Cold spots are basically areas in your home that do not get to the same temperature as the rest of the house. So what could be the cause of the cold spots in your house and how do you deal with them? Read on to find out more about the … Continue reading Top Reasons for Cold Spots in Your House: Solutions for Home Heating Inefficiencies

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10 Furnace Facts You Didn’t Know

Furnace Facts | St. Louis HVAC Repair

In most St. Louis area homes, the furnace is kept in the basement. This means that most of the time, we do not even bother to check on it. However, regular maintenance is important for your furnace to keep working efficiently and for as long as possible. With proper care, your furnace could end up serving your family for a very long time. There are a number of furnace facts that many people may not realize. Read on to find … Continue reading 10 Furnace Facts You Didn’t Know

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Winter Storm Safety Tips for Your Home

Winter Storm Safety Tips for your Home

The weather during winter in St. Louis can be very unpredictable. As such, winter storms are to be expected at some point. Frustratingly, ice and snow storms can lead to so much damage. It is, therefore, necessary to know what to do in case you are caught up in a winter storm. Read on to find out a couple of winter storm safety tips that you can use to ensure that your home and family are safe. In the meantime, … Continue reading Winter Storm Safety Tips for Your Home

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Why is My Furnace Leaking? And Other Common Furnace Repair Solutions

Furnace Repair Solutions for a Leaking Furnace

One of the worst things that can happen to your home during winter is finding out that your furnace is not working as it should. Of course, this means that you will have trouble warming up the house, and can even result in high energy bills. Regular maintenance will ensure that most of these problems are caught before they get any worse. However, there are a couple of furnace repair solutions that you should have at hand at all times … Continue reading Why is My Furnace Leaking? And Other Common Furnace Repair Solutions

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What is a Heat Exchanger and What Does It Do?

What is a Heat Exchanger

Most homes and businesses in the St. Louis area have an HVAC system, and these systems are typically made up of many parts. However, not many people understand all of these parts and what their importance is. One major component of an HVAC system is the heat exchanger. In this article, we highlight what a heat exchanger is and what role it plays in keeping the indoor air of your home or business comfortable. In the meantime, if you have … Continue reading What is a Heat Exchanger and What Does It Do?

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Simple Fixes to Troubleshoot a Broken Furnace

Tips to Troubleshoot a Broken Furnace

If you know a thing or two about HVAC, then you know that you can sometimes deal with a broken furnace on your own. However, many homeowners may not realize this. When you discover a broken furnace, the first thing you do may not need to be a call to your HVAC contractors. With a simple few fixes, you may be able to deal with the issue yourself and save a couple of bucks. In this article, we look at … Continue reading Simple Fixes to Troubleshoot a Broken Furnace

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Winter Safety Tips for Extreme Cold

Winter Safety Tips for Extreme Cold

Winter can be quite a dangerous time. With the threat of extreme cold and low wind chills, it is extremely important to stay safe. While most homeowners may not know it, there are a couple of winter safety tips that can help you and your family stay safe, even during the most extreme cold. In this article, offer some winter safety tips to help keep you safe and warm all winter, so read on to find out more. In the … Continue reading Winter Safety Tips for Extreme Cold

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Furnace Troubleshooting: What to Do When Your Furnace Won’t Turn On

Furnace Won't Turn On

In an effort to save money, many homeowners will only turn on the furnace when they really need to. Now picture this, the cold season is just around the corner. You are sure your HVAC system is in check. However, when it is time to turn up the heat, the furnace won’t turn on. What could be the issue? In this article, we highlight some of the reasons why your furnace won’t turn on. Read on to find out more. … Continue reading Furnace Troubleshooting: What to Do When Your Furnace Won’t Turn On

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Should I Repair or Replace My Furnace?

Should I Repair or Replace My Furnace

With continued use of your furnace over the years, you are bound to notice some differences in performance. You may not be getting the same efficiency as before or your utility bills may suddenly be going over the roof. You may even have noticed new sounds coming from the furnace. At this point, it may have dawned on you that something is wrong. So, what do you do? Should you repair or replace the furnace? If you are experiencing any … Continue reading Should I Repair or Replace My Furnace?

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Is Your Furnace Motor Overheating?

Furnace Motor Overheating | What to Do

Most furnaces are built to last, and with the right installation and proper maintenance, most of them can even last for years without needing any major repairs. However, even with regular maintenance, you are never totally protected from experiencing furnace issues, including the furnace motor overheating. Therefore, it is important to be able to recognize the signs of a furnace motor overheating and know what to do in such a case. Read on to find out a few signs that … Continue reading Is Your Furnace Motor Overheating?

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