Heating Your Home Efficiently: Heat Pump vs. Furnace

Heat Pump vs. Furnace | St. Louis Heating

When it comes to heating your St. Louis home, you have two main options to consider: a heat pump vs. furnace. Choosing the right system for your home can seem like a daunting choice because each has its benefits and advantages. When considering a heat pump vs. furnace for your home, you might find it is easier to seek help from a professional that can answer your questions fully and help you assess which system is a better fit for … Continue reading Heating Your Home Efficiently: Heat Pump vs. Furnace

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4 Key Reasons to Schedule a Furnace Check Up

Furnace Check Up in St. Louis

Seasons in St. Louis can change quickly. When fall arrives, we find the temperatures can suddenly drop, brining much colder nights. At this time, our furnaces will need to kick in to keep our homes and families warm. It is for this reason we have to ask ourselves, “Is my furnace ready?” If the answer to that question is a “No” or even an “I don’t know”, it is important to schedule a furnace check up. In the greater St. … Continue reading 4 Key Reasons to Schedule a Furnace Check Up

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Supplemental Heating: Cut Energy Costs in the Fall and Winter

Supplemental Heating | St. Louis HVAC Tips

While it is easily our first instinct to crank up the heater during the oncoming frigid months in St. Louis, this can mean alarmingly high energy bills. Supplemental heating may be the solution to your comfort this fall and winter without breaking the bank. Supplemental heating is the process of using additional heat sources (rather than just your main furnace) to heat individual rooms or spaces in your home. By only heating the room you are currently occupying, you can … Continue reading Supplemental Heating: Cut Energy Costs in the Fall and Winter

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Choosing the Best Carbon Monoxide Detector

Best Carbon Monoxide Detector | St. Louis HVAC Tips

Accidental death due to carbon monoxide poisoning causes approximately 400 deaths per year in the United States. Carbon monoxide is odorless and colorless, essentially making it impossible for human beings to detect. When it comes to choosing the best carbon monoxide detector for your home, there are several things to consider. This includes price, features, and functionality. Our guide below can help you find the best carbon monoxide detector to protect your family. For more help protecting your family and … Continue reading Choosing the Best Carbon Monoxide Detector

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Fall Maintenance: 6 DIY Tips to Prepare for your Furnace for Winter

Fall Maintenance | St. Louis HVAC Tips

It’s that time of year again. The leaves are changing and with the crisp air of fall comes time for the annual fall maintenance routine around your home. While you should always schedule an appointment with your St. Louis heating and cooling specialists, there are some easy DIY actions you can perform today to ensure your furnace is functioning properly. Take Action! 6 Fall Maintenance Steps You Can Do Yourself Replace your air filter – While this may seem common … Continue reading Fall Maintenance: 6 DIY Tips to Prepare for your Furnace for Winter

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Important Fall Furnace Maintenance Steps for your Home

Fall Furnace Maintenance | St. Louis HVAC Tips

Now that summer days have come to an end, whether you have owned your home for decades or are new to home ownership, fall furnace maintenance should be on the top of your to do list. In order to properly evaluate your HVAC unit, it is important to understand the working components. In every traditional furnace and HVAC system there are three main working parts. The electrical settings, blower mechanics, and ventilation system work together providing temperature control and comfort … Continue reading Important Fall Furnace Maintenance Steps for your Home

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Common Myths About Ductless HVAC Systems

Ductless HVAC Systems | St. Louis HVAC Tips

While invented in Japan in the 1970’s, ductless HVAC systems have only been distributed commercially in the United States for about 20 years. With new technology often comes myths and common misconceptions. However, whether your current traditional HVAC system is failing or you are simply looking to upgrade to a more cost effective, energy efficient option, there is a good chance a ductless HVAC system might be the option for you. 4 Myths About Ductless HVAC Systems 1. Ductless HVAC … Continue reading Common Myths About Ductless HVAC Systems

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HVAC Replacement: Hidden Benefits of Replacing Furnace & AC Together

Benefits of Replacing Furnace & AC Together

As St. Louis enters the fall season, it may be time to consider replacing furnace and AC units in your home. There are many hidden and often overlooked benefits to simultaneous replacement of both units. If you have any questions about whether furnace replacement may need to be in your upcoming plans, contact our heating & air conditioning company today! We can discuss any issues you may be having and direct you to the best next step. Why Replacing Furnace … Continue reading HVAC Replacement: Hidden Benefits of Replacing Furnace & AC Together

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Fall Home Maintenance Tips

Fall Home Maintenance Tips

The time has come for fall home maintenance. The changing of the seasons will likely expose any area in your home that has been neglected during the summer season. As the cold winter months begin to close in, there are a few simple steps to ensure that your home is prepared and provide comfort and safety for your family. Check out below for some tips on how you can prepare for the winter with some fall home maintenance steps. If … Continue reading Fall Home Maintenance Tips

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Humidity Levels 101: What is the Best Humidity Level for Your Home

Humidity Levels | St. Louis HVAC Tips

During the hot summer months, the humidity levels inside your home can go through the roof, which can cause not only a lot of personal discomfort but also pose a health risk and potential damage to your household. A home with high humidity levels is the perfect breeding ground for mold spores, mildew, and dust mites to form. A hot and humid environment can also cause breathing difficulties, allergy attacks, and a compromised immune system. Incorrect humidity levels can lead … Continue reading Humidity Levels 101: What is the Best Humidity Level for Your Home

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