Common Thermostat Problems that Can Cost You Money

Thermostat Problems | St. Louis HVAC TipsThermostat Problems

The thermostat is at the heart of every heating and cooling system. It senses what the temperature is and adjusts the heating and cooling system so that the people living inside the home are comfortable at all times. While this may seem simple, not everything is always smooth sailing. There are many thermostat problems that could affect comfort and energy costs. If your air conditioner, heater, or furnace malfunctions or simply does not seem to operating efficiently, and you have … Continue reading Common Thermostat Problems that Can Cost You Money

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A Guide to HVAC Energy Ratings

HVAC Energy Ratings | St. Louis HVAC Tips

When shopping for a new HVAC system, you will most likely notice a number rating on each unit. These HVAC energy rating labels help you determine at a glance how efficiently the product will perform. Understanding HVAC energy ratings is immensely helpful when it comes to selecting the right unit for your home, so we have put together this handy guide to teach you everything you need to know! For more help understanding HVAC energy ratings, contact the heating & … Continue reading A Guide to HVAC Energy Ratings

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Home Comfort Systems: Why HVAC is More Than Just Heating & Cooling

Home Comfort Systems | More than Heating & Cooling

HVAC systems are in charge of keeping your home at comfortable temperatures in St. Louis year-round: from hot and humid summer months to cold winter months. However, home comfort systems, when installed by certified professionals, can do so much more. Modern systems are designed to optimize home comfort almost instantaneously, reducing the work necessary to enjoy controlled temperatures in your home. New systems are being manufactured with increased functionality and features, which we will tell you more about below. To … Continue reading Home Comfort Systems: Why HVAC is More Than Just Heating & Cooling

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Air Conditioner Replacement: Benefits of Replacing Your Furnace & A/C Together

Air Conditioner Replacement in St. Louis

Everyone desires comfortable temperatures in their home year-round, and a well-functioning furnace and air conditioner are necessary to maintain ideal temperatures no matter the season. When you consider a furnace or air conditioner replacement, you may think it is more cost-effective to replace the faulty system and wait to replace the other when it starts malfunctioning. Contrary to that, you can save money and energy in the long run if you replace the air conditioner and furnace simultaneously. The average … Continue reading Air Conditioner Replacement: Benefits of Replacing Your Furnace & A/C Together

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5 Signs of Commercial HVAC Problems

Commercial HVAC Problems | St. Louis HVAC

Any building manager’s job is to keep his occupants safe and comfortable. Because the HVAC system is such an important part of the building, it is important to know what to look out for to make sure everything is running smoothly. We have put together this list of 5 signs of commercial HVAC problems to help you catch issues before they turn into big (and costly) problems. Read more below. If you suspect HVAC problems in your St. Louis commercial … Continue reading 5 Signs of Commercial HVAC Problems

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Home Heating Fire Hazards to Watch Out For

Fire Hazards When Heating Your Home

Did you know that heating equipment is the cause of 16% of all residential fires and 19% of all deadly fires? This means that 1-2 deaths are caused by HVAC systems or heaters every day. The good news is that much of this risk can be easily mitigated by staying aware of home heating fire hazards and keeping your system up to par. Most of these terrible occurrences are due to homeowners running malfunctioning or poorly kept HVAC systems. The … Continue reading Home Heating Fire Hazards to Watch Out For

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Tips to Resolve Heating Disputes in Your Home

Resolve Heating Disputes

Now that St. Louis winter weather has set in and the chill is undoubtedly in the air, the cold weather can make anybody grumpy, and arguments over what number should display on the thermostat can become heated, fast! Rather than succumbing to household battles over the thermostat, check out some of the handy tips below to reduce stress and help everyone in your home find comfort. Improving your home’s heating efficiency – Perhaps part of the argument about the heat … Continue reading Tips to Resolve Heating Disputes in Your Home

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How to Select the Best Heating System for Your St. Louis Home

Select the Best Heating System

When the time comes to replace your home heating system, the task can feel daunting. With the range of options available and the many considerations you have to make, it can even feel downright overwhelming. As you mull over the best possible value for your money, Galmiche & Sons Heating & Cooling wants to guide you along the way and provide some useful tips to help you be confident in your heating system purchase. Choosing a system does have to … Continue reading How to Select the Best Heating System for Your St. Louis Home

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What Makes this New Lennox Furnace the Quietest on the Market?

Buy a Lennox Furnace in St. Louis

Once the cold St. Louis winter sets in, nothing beats the feeling of the warmth from a gas furnace. It is nice to know that no matter how frigid it is outdoors; it is nice and cozy indoors with you and your loved ones. Lennox is committed to keeping your house warm, quiet, and energy efficient with its new SLP98V furnace. With all that in mind, this Lennox furnace is truly one of the best investments you can make for … Continue reading What Makes this New Lennox Furnace the Quietest on the Market?

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3 Ways to Reduce Heating Costs without Sacrificing Comfort

Reduce Heating Costs in St. Louis

If you are like most people, you are always looking for ways to save money, especially on your energy bills. However, the winter is probably the worst time for this, as you want to stay warm and toasty during the cold St. Louis winters. So how do you reduce heating costs without sacrificing comfort? Read on to learn some tips from the experts at Galmiche & Sons Heating & Cooling on how to strike this perfect balance. To learn more … Continue reading 3 Ways to Reduce Heating Costs without Sacrificing Comfort

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