Does a New High Efficiency Furnace Really Save You Money?

Does a New High Efficiency Furnace Save You Money

Everyone is always looking for a way to save a little extra money. This is especially true when it comes to monthly energy bills and HVAC costs. Many folks rightfully wonder if a new high efficiency furnace can actually save them money. The short answer if yes! Purchasing a new high efficiency furnace is a great way to help lower your energy bills. Here in St. Louis, winters get cold and it can be expensive to heat your home. Investing … Continue reading Does a New High Efficiency Furnace Really Save You Money?

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Have You Noticed Your Furnace Leaking Water?

Why is Your Furnace Leaking Water

If you discover your furnace leaking water, it can be a very worrying situation. A furnace leaking water conjures visions of flooding and massive repair bills for most homeowners. The important thing to do if you find your furnace leaking, is not to panic and immediately switch it off. Ensure your thermostat is switched to ‘off’ and then locate the gas valve on the gas line connected to your unit and turn it off. A furnace leaking water is generally … Continue reading Have You Noticed Your Furnace Leaking Water?

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When Should You Change Your Furnace Filter?

When Should You Change Your Furnace Filter?

Filters are vital part of your HVAC system that ensure it stays running smoothly, so knowing when to change your furnace filter is important. Filters work to keep dust and debris out of the sensitive components of your heating system. A clogged filter can result in reduced airflow, which could potentially cause your heat exchanger to overheat. This scenario has the potential to result in a breakdown, which is cold and expensive. If you regularly change your furnace filter, you … Continue reading When Should You Change Your Furnace Filter?

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How to Extend the Life of Your Furnace

How to Extend the Life of Your Furnace

When winter hits, furnaces are worth their weight in gold and most folks do everything they can to keep them working. A furnace is a substantial investment, so you should do everything you can to extend the life of your furnace. Nobody wants to experience their furnace failing in the middle of cold winter. Luckily, there are some simple steps you can take to help prolong the life of your furnace. Like all components of a home, furnaces are not … Continue reading How to Extend the Life of Your Furnace

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What is the Best Temperature for Winter for Your Furnace?

What is the Best Temperature for Winter for Your Furnace

Now that the cold months are here to stay, most homeowners want to dial in the best temperature for winter in their homes. Determining the best temperature for winter is a balancing act between comfort and cost. None of us want to spend a ton on energy, but we all want to be warm as well. The truth is the best temperature for winter can vary quite a bit. You must consider things like how many people you live, what … Continue reading What is the Best Temperature for Winter for Your Furnace?

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Why is a Cracked Heat Exchanger a Problem?

Why is a Cracked Heat Exchanger a Problem

A huge majority of homes across the country are heated with gas furnaces, which rely on a heat exchanger to generate warmth. Gas powered furnaces are very popular option as they can warm your home quickly and are relatively affordable. Despite this, there are some drawbacks to these furnaces and one of them stems from potential problems with the heat exchanger. While mostly safe, there is a risk associated with a cracked heat exchanger that can be deadly. Gas furnaces … Continue reading Why is a Cracked Heat Exchanger a Problem?

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Have You Noticed Your Heater Making a Grinding Noise?

Why Is Your Heater Making a Grinding Noise

Each winter, we all use our heaters to get through the bitter cold months and most of us are always on the lookout for any signs our heating system may be failing. If you notice your heater making a grinding noise, then you can be sure something is amiss. It is vital that homeowners keep their heaters in optimal shape to prevent breakdowns and ensure efficiency. If your heater is making a grinding noise, it requires your immediate attention and … Continue reading Have You Noticed Your Heater Making a Grinding Noise?

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Are Heat Pumps a Good Investment?

Are Heat Pumps a Good Investment

As winter holds St. Louis in its frosty grip, many of our customers wonder if heat pumps are a worthy investment. At Galmiche & Sons, we believe heat pumps are worth every penny. When it comes to getting through the cold months, you should prioritize your in-home comfort. Heat pumps are a great way to upgrade or supplement your existing HVAC system and can help it work more efficiently. If your heating system is not holding up during winter, heat … Continue reading Are Heat Pumps a Good Investment?

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6 Benefits of Finding Your Optimal Sleep Temperature

What is Your Optimal Sleep Temperature

We have all had nights where we toss and turn and can’t seem to get comfortable to get to sleep. Did you know that this could relate to your optimal sleep temperature? Nothing is worse than being bone tired, lying in bed, and not being able to get the deep restful sleep you need. Figuring out your optimal sleep temperature can be a helpful way sleep well. Most folks do not consider the temperature when they are trying to go … Continue reading 6 Benefits of Finding Your Optimal Sleep Temperature

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Why Do You Need an HVAC Maintenance Contract?

Why Do You Need an HVAC Maintenance Contract

While most homeowners understand the importance of regularly maintaining their HVAC system, it can be hard to keep up with regular maintenance. Purchasing an HVAC maintenance contract can be a great to stay on top of your maintenance. Getting your system serviced is essential for keeping your home comfortable and for avoiding a costly breakdown. An HVAC maintenance contract ensures that your system gets looked at and stays running smoothly. Additionally, a good maintenance contract allows you to not worry … Continue reading Why Do You Need an HVAC Maintenance Contract?

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