DIY Tips to Prevent Air Conditioner Problems

Tips to Prevent Air Conditioner Problems

Your air conditioner takes a lot of heat — especially in the summer months when you are using it heavily. To keep it working well even during heavy use, there are a few easy things you can do to prevent air conditioner problems. The first step though, is understanding the causes of common air conditioner issues and a little bit about how your air conditioner works. In St. Louis, Galmiche & Sons can help you learn more about how to … Continue reading DIY Tips to Prevent Air Conditioner Problems

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Air Conditioner Troubleshooting: Diagnosing Common Air Conditioner Problems

Diagnosing Air Conditioner Problems

There are a few common air conditioner problems that you can expect to deal with at some point in the life of your HVAC system. Unfortunately, just about every air conditioner needs repairs now and then, no matter how well you take care of it. Thankfully, though, there is a lot you can do to prevent air conditioner problems as well as deal with them quickly when they do come up. One way you can prevent problems from getting out … Continue reading Air Conditioner Troubleshooting: Diagnosing Common Air Conditioner Problems

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Why Does My Air Conditioning Need a Tune Up Every Year

Air Conditioning Tune Up

While many people often forget or overlook air conditioner maintenance, there are a lot of good reasons to give your air conditioning a tune up at least once a year. Without the right information, you might be tempted to skip the yearly tune-up, but the more you know about your air conditioner, the easier it is to see why such maintenance is necessary. Not only can a regular air conditioning tune up prevent big problems down the road, it can … Continue reading Why Does My Air Conditioning Need a Tune Up Every Year

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3 Easy Mistakes to Accidentally Void Your AC Warranty

Mistakes to Accidentally Void Your AC Warranty

Buying a new air conditioner is a big investment. You are counting on your new air conditioning unit to keep your home cool for years to come, and you do not want to find out your AC warranty is void if or when you do eventually need repairs to keep it running. Unfortunately, a lot of people do things that void their AC warranty without even realizing it. Thankfully, with just a few things in mind, you can avoid ending … Continue reading 3 Easy Mistakes to Accidentally Void Your AC Warranty

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Spring Allergy Tips: Improve Indoor Air Quality & Remove Allergens from Your Home

Spring Allergy Tips to Improve Indoor Air Quality

When you are battling spring allergies, it can be easy to overlook one of the biggest allergen sources out there: your own home. You might think you are safe inside from pollens and other spring allergies, but for a lot of people, the indoor air quality of their home could stand to be improved. That is why the most important of the spring allergy tips is to consider your indoor air quality. In fact, the Environmental Protection Agency warns that … Continue reading Spring Allergy Tips: Improve Indoor Air Quality & Remove Allergens from Your Home

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It’s Time to Schedule Spring HVAC Maintenance

Schedule Spring HVAC Maintenance

With the budding trees, gentle spring breeze and longer days, it is easy to want to put aside the responsibilities that come with running a house. Do not fall into the trap! There are some important spring maintenance steps that you should take now to make sure your home is ready for the spring season. This includes scheduling your spring HVAC maintenance appointment soon, so you can be assured that your system is in good working order for the hot … Continue reading It’s Time to Schedule Spring HVAC Maintenance

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In Like a Lion, Out Like a Lamb: HVAC Maintenance Tips for March Weather

HVAC Maintenance Tips for March Weather

In St. Louis, we’re used to strong weather changes every season, and March is no exception. On the cusp of winter and spring, this month can give everything from chilly snow and ice to thundering rainstorms, which is why it is important to keep your HVAC in optimal condition. Follow our easy to use HVAC maintenance tips and you’ll reach April with a healthy HVAC system and outlook for the oncoming summer! If you notice anything amiss with your heating … Continue reading In Like a Lion, Out Like a Lamb: HVAC Maintenance Tips for March Weather

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How Your HVAC Maintenance Agreement Keeps You Covered All Year Round

Benefits of a HVAC Maintenance Agreement

Most homeowners probably do not realize how much an HVAC maintenance agreement can come in handy. The best thing about having an HVAC maintenance agreement is that you are assured that your HVAC system will remain in good condition all throughout the year. If you do not currently have one in place, read on to find out why having an HVAC maintenance agreement is important. While an HVAC maintenance agreement can be a life saver, not all service agreements are … Continue reading How Your HVAC Maintenance Agreement Keeps You Covered All Year Round

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Why You Should Not Cover Your Air Conditioner in Fall

Why You Should Not Cover Your Air Conditioner in Fall

With fall at its peak and the leaves coming off the trees in droves, it is common for many homeowners to think about covering your air conditioner to protect it from debris. However, a lot more can be said about why putting a cover on your air conditioner is not the best thing for your unit. Below, we consider some of these keys points in an effort to help our customers and potential customers alike best protect their air conditioning … Continue reading Why You Should Not Cover Your Air Conditioner in Fall

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Simple Tips to Prepare Your Air Conditioner for Fall

Tips to Prepare Air Conditioner for Fall

As you get ready to head into fall and for the cold days to come, it is easy to forget about your air conditioner and the things you will need to do to prepare your air conditioner for the fall. Don’t worry it is not too much — just a few simple steps will help your air conditioner stay ready to go through the cold months of fall and winter. After all, when spring and summer roll around, you will … Continue reading Simple Tips to Prepare Your Air Conditioner for Fall

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