Did You Skip AC Maintenance This Spring?

Did You Skip AC Maintenance This Spring?

It’s midsummer and the sun is high and the humidity is thick. Lucky for you, your AC is chugging away and you don’t have a care in the world. Not even the fact that you thought you would tempt fate and skip your annual AC maintenance this year! While doing so may not end up with an emergency AC repair appointment this summer, it will add unnecessary wear and tear on your system, and set it up for a summer … Continue reading Did You Skip AC Maintenance This Spring?

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Do You Know How to Keep Your Heating and Cooling System Running Smoothly?

Keep Your Heating and Cooling System Running Smoothly

Keeping your heating and cooling system running smoothly all summer long is a great aspiration. But, do you know your HVAC well enough to keep it in great shape? Especially as your heating and cooling system gets older, preventative maintenance and basic troubleshooting are more and more important. Thankfully, it is easy to learn the basics of HVAC maintenance, especially if you have a professional service team to work with. To learn more, get in touch with the heating & … Continue reading Do You Know How to Keep Your Heating and Cooling System Running Smoothly?

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What Are Some Summer Home Maintenance Tips?

What Are Summer Home Maintenance Tips?

One of the best things you can do to ensure you and your family have summer fun is to make sure important home maintenance is taken care of in the spring. Before it gets too hot and humid, you will want to take a careful look at these summer home maintenance tips and prepare your home. This way, you will not have to take a break from summer fun to deal with HVAC issues, lawn disasters, or other home headaches. … Continue reading What Are Some Summer Home Maintenance Tips?

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Tips to Keep Cool without Raising Your AC Bills

Keep Cool without Raising Your AC Bills

Keeping cool in the summer can be a struggle. Especially if you are trying to be mindful of your AC bills. While it might seem like you must choose between comfort and cost, this doesn’t have to be true. There are some tried and true ways to make sure your home stays cool and comfortable in the summer without raising your AC bills. Read on to learn more or, call your heating & air conditioning team at Galmiche & Sons … Continue reading Tips to Keep Cool without Raising Your AC Bills

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How Often Should I Have My Air Conditioner Serviced?

How Often Should I Have My Air Conditioner Serviced

Having your air conditioner serviced is probably the last item on your weekly to do list. It can feel like a waste of time, especially if everything comes back clear and your AC keeps working well for another year. This is, however, exactly why it is important to take the time to have your air conditioner serviced at least one a year. You want to spend as little of your year thinking about the AC as possible. Having your heating … Continue reading How Often Should I Have My Air Conditioner Serviced?

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Top HVAC Maintenance Tips for Pet Owners

Top HVAC Maintenance Tips for Pet Owners

Most pet owners cannot imagine a life without their furry friends. Still, with all of the shedding, it can be a hassle to clean up after them. What you may not realize is that fur and pet dander can also damage your HVAC system or reduce its functionality. Thankfully, with just a few HVAC maintenance tips in mind, you can keep your pets happy and healthy while keeping your HVAC system running smoothly all year long. To learn more or … Continue reading Top HVAC Maintenance Tips for Pet Owners

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Why Springtime is the Best Time to Schedule AC Maintenance

Why Springtime is the Best Time to Schedule AC Maintenance

Not only can breakdowns be uncomfortable and stressful for you and your family, but they can also be costly too. In addition to repair costs and possibly even a hotel stay, summer AC breakdowns are a hassle and can break your budget. Therefore, it is always better to check your HVAC system and address any problems before you start running the AC regularly. Scheduling HVAC maintenance visits regularly is a great way to make sure your system is up to … Continue reading Why Springtime is the Best Time to Schedule AC Maintenance

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Best Spring HVAC Maintenance Tips

Spring HVAC Maintenance Tips

Spring can be an exciting and busy time of year. Change is in the air, and the weather is warming. But can your HVAC system take the heat? Now is the time to find out. With these spring HVAC maintenance tips in mind, and the help of your HVAC service team, it is easy to enjoy the summer and beat the heat. For more spring HVAC maintenance tips and to schedule spring AC maintenance in St. Louis, get in touch … Continue reading Best Spring HVAC Maintenance Tips

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Regular Cleaning is the Key to HVAC Efficiency

Regular Cleaning is the Key to HVAC Efficiency

Achieving a good level of HVAC efficiency is a priority for most businesses and homeowners. A heating and cooling system that is running smoothly is not only great for your comfort and air quality, but it also helps to save you money. HVAC efficiency means that your system needs less energy to do its job properly. While there is no magic solution for achieving HVAC efficiency, regular cleaning of your system can go a long way towards boosting your HVAC … Continue reading Regular Cleaning is the Key to HVAC Efficiency

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HVAC Service Contracts: Red Flags to Watch Out For

HVAC Service Contracts: Red Flags to Watch Out For

It is always good practice to read and think about any contract before you sign it. The same goes for HVAC service contracts. While an HVAC maintenance contract can be a great way to make sure your system is kept in good working order, it is very important to understand the terms and conditions. HVAC service contracts can often be a little difficult to understand and unfortunately many service providers don’t do a great job of explaining exactly what it … Continue reading HVAC Service Contracts: Red Flags to Watch Out For

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