Prep Your HVAC System for Holiday Entertaining

Prepare your HVAC System for Holiday Entertaining

With the winter season fast approaching, the time has come to start preparing your home for company. Your HVAC system and holiday entertaining go hand in hand. A festive atmosphere and delicious home cooked food are a must, but nothing will put a damper on your holiday affair quite like HVAC problems. If your current system is malfunctioning or in need of maintenance, it can mean your home is too hot or cold for your guests. It can also increase … Continue reading Prep Your HVAC System for Holiday Entertaining

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Top 3 HVAC Upgrades to Improve Your Winter Indoor Air Quality

Indoor Air Quality HVAC Upgrades

Healthy winter indoor air quality is essential to the well-being of your family and business. In the winter months, it is no secret that we spend most of our days inside. The quality of indoor winter air is especially important to those who are susceptible to airborne illness and allergies. This can include the elderly, children, or those with respiratory issues. Even if you are perfectly healthy, poor air quality can quickly change that. There are some simple HVAC upgrades … Continue reading Top 3 HVAC Upgrades to Improve Your Winter Indoor Air Quality

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Tips to Winterize Your HVAC System for St. Louis Winter

Winterize HVAC System | St. Louis HVAC

In St. Louis, the hot and humid summer weather has been replaced with chilly nights and crisp fall days, which means that winter is almost upon us! While the weather is still relatively mild, now is a good time to prepare your home for the winter. St. Louis families should take steps to winterize HVAC systems in their homes in anticipation of colder weather. This will not only ensure protection and comfort over the winter, but also gives you the … Continue reading Tips to Winterize Your HVAC System for St. Louis Winter

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Heating Your Home Efficiently: Heat Pump vs. Furnace

Heat Pump vs. Furnace | St. Louis Heating

When it comes to heating your St. Louis home, you have two main options to consider: a heat pump vs. furnace. Choosing the right system for your home can seem like a daunting choice because each has its benefits and advantages. When considering a heat pump vs. furnace for your home, you might find it is easier to seek help from a professional that can answer your questions fully and help you assess which system is a better fit for … Continue reading Heating Your Home Efficiently: Heat Pump vs. Furnace

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3 Perks of a WiFi Thermostat

WiFi Thermostat Benefits

Since 2015, the number of WiFi thermostats used in the United States has been growing rapidly. More and more, homeowners are experiencing the convenience and energy efficiency of WiFi thermostats. Whether you are interested in upgrading your entire HVAC system or you just find your outdated thermostat to be inaccurate and troublesome, it might be time to switch to a WiFi thermostat. As they age, thermostats can become troublesome, and it is commonplace for older thermostat read outs to not … Continue reading 3 Perks of a WiFi Thermostat

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Common Myths About Ductless HVAC Systems

Ductless HVAC Systems | St. Louis HVAC Tips

While invented in Japan in the 1970’s, ductless HVAC systems have only been distributed commercially in the United States for about 20 years. With new technology often comes myths and common misconceptions. However, whether your current traditional HVAC system is failing or you are simply looking to upgrade to a more cost effective, energy efficient option, there is a good chance a ductless HVAC system might be the option for you. 4 Myths About Ductless HVAC Systems 1. Ductless HVAC … Continue reading Common Myths About Ductless HVAC Systems

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Scary Facts About Indoor Air Quality

Facts About Indoor Air Quality | St. Louis HVAC Tips

The indoor air quality in our homes may be something that most of us take for granted. We imagine our homes as a safe space, a place where nothing can harm us and all is well. Surprisingly enough, this false sense of security leads many of us astray, causing us to fall victim to the dangers of our own homes. This is because inside our homes are many indoor pollutants that may be harming our families. If you have any … Continue reading Scary Facts About Indoor Air Quality

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HVAC Replacement: Hidden Benefits of Replacing Furnace & AC Together

Benefits of Replacing Furnace & AC Together

As St. Louis enters the fall season, it may be time to consider replacing furnace and AC units in your home. There are many hidden and often overlooked benefits to simultaneous replacement of both units. If you have any questions about whether furnace replacement may need to be in your upcoming plans, contact our heating & air conditioning company today! We can discuss any issues you may be having and direct you to the best next step. Why Replacing Furnace … Continue reading HVAC Replacement: Hidden Benefits of Replacing Furnace & AC Together

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Pets & HVAC Systems: What You Need to Know

HVAC Systems & Pets

As a pet parent, you want to make sure that your canine companion or feline friend’s needs are being met. You want to make sure they are well fed, and that they have a solid roof above their heads. You also want to ensure that they are comfortable at all times. So aside from your family’s needs, you also need to think of your pets when choosing and maintaining your HVAC systems. Here are some considerations: Pet-proof your HVAC system: … Continue reading Pets & HVAC Systems: What You Need to Know

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How to Choose the Best Air Purifiers for Allergies

Air Purifiers for Allergies | St. Louis HVAC Tips

If you have an allergy, the most important thing to do to prevent an attack is to avoid being exposed to the allergen. If airborne pollutants are the reason behind your allergies, then you need to invest in a great air purifier for allergies. This, along with your HVAC system, can help remove allergens from the air and help ensure clean and safe indoor air for you and your family. For more help ensuring clean and pure air in your … Continue reading How to Choose the Best Air Purifiers for Allergies

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