AC Repair or Replacement: What To Do When Your AC Stops Working

AC Repair or Replacement: What To Do When Your AC Stops Working

A broken down or malfunctioning AC can be one of the most frustrating things, especially during the excruciating summer months! It can lead to a hot, humid, and uncomfortable indoor environment and become a true nightmare for a homeowner. However, when it comes to dealing with your malfunctioned AC, one of the biggest questions you need to answer is – should you go for AC repair or replacement? Choosing between AC repair and replacement is an important decision for every … Continue reading AC Repair or Replacement: What To Do When Your AC Stops Working

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Can I Mix Different AC Refrigerants?

Can I Mix Different AC Refrigerants?

AC refrigerants are one of the most important components of your air conditioning unit. These are chemical substances that enable your AC to work, by absorbing heat from the inside and releasing it outside. The process starts in the evaporator coil where the refrigerant absorbs heat and turns from liquid to gas. Then it moves to the condenser coil outside where it releases the heat and turns back into a liquid. This cycle continues, ensuring your home stays at a … Continue reading Can I Mix Different AC Refrigerants?

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Tips for Getting the Most Out of Your Air Conditioning System

Tips for Getting the Most Out of Your Air Conditioning System

As summer approaches St. Louis, people typically start thinking about their air conditioning system and how to get the most out of it. Buying an AC unit is a significant investment, and thus, it is natural to want it to perform efficiently and at its best capacity. If you are one of such people, we have just what you need! Read on to learn some of our most effective tips for getting the most out of your air conditioning system … Continue reading Tips for Getting the Most Out of Your Air Conditioning System

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3 Tips for Energy-Efficient Cooling for Your Home

3 Tips for Energy-Efficient Cooling for Your Home

As the summer sets in and days get warmer, most homeowners crank up their air conditioning units to keep their homes cool and comfortable. While that can help in beating the heat, extended use of air conditioners also results in higher energy bills and strain on the environment. This is why finding ways for energy-efficient cooling is necessary. Fortunately, by adopting some simple tips and changing your lifestyle a bit, you can keep your home cool and comfortable while reducing … Continue reading 3 Tips for Energy-Efficient Cooling for Your Home

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What Causes an Air Conditioner to Freeze Up?

What Causes an Air Conditioner to Freeze Up?

When the hotter months are on their way in St. Louis, your AC needs to be in top-notch condition to keep your house cool and comfortable during the excruciating summer. Your air conditioning unit works incredibly hard to keep your house’s indoor air cool during summer. However, if you notice ice on your AC, it can be a cause for worry. A frozen air conditioner can lead to multiple issues, poor performance, and costly repairs down the line. Therefore, it … Continue reading What Causes an Air Conditioner to Freeze Up?

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What You Need to Know Before Turning on Your AC for Summer

What You Need to Know Before Turning on Your AC for Summer

As the days get sunnier and hotter, you might be thinking about turning on the AC. However, before you turn on the switch, there are several important things you should take care of to ensure your AC works efficiently this summer. In this article, we will go over some important factors you need to know before turning on AC this year. Knowing about these things will ensure your air conditioning unit works at its maximum efficiency and keeps your home … Continue reading What You Need to Know Before Turning on Your AC for Summer

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Thermostat Programming Tips for All-Year Comfort

Thermostat Programming Tips for All-Year Comfort

With the changing seasons, your indoor and outdoor heating and cooling requirements also change. While summer requires you to keep your house nice and cool, you might need a toastier and cozier home in winter. Your thermostat programming plays a crucial role in ensuring your house has the most suitable temperature and comfortable environment all year long. Programming your thermostat correctly will keep your indoor temperature in accordance with the changing weather while saving money on energy bills. In this … Continue reading Thermostat Programming Tips for All-Year Comfort

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Top Reasons To Have an Air Conditioner Installed This Spring

Top Reasons To Have an Air Conditioner Installed This Spring

Do you want to buy an air conditioning unit for your house this spring but aren’t sure if it will be a good investment? If yes, then this blog post is for you! While getting an air conditioner installed is a huge decision that requires a significant investment, it can also ensure you can live comfortably during the warmer months. Deciding when to get an air conditioner installed is another major decision. While most people go AC shopping after the … Continue reading Top Reasons To Have an Air Conditioner Installed This Spring

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Hidden Benefits of Replacing your Air Conditioner Filter Regularly

Hidden Benefits of Replacing your Air Conditioner Filter Regularly

When it comes to increasing the efficiency of your air conditioner, replacing your air conditioner filter is crucial. It is one of the most important and easiest tasks that you can do to keep your AC performing smoothly and at peak performance. A new air conditioner filter not only increases the efficiency of your air conditioning unit but also improves indoor air quality. Along with these benefits, replacing your air conditioner filter also comes with a host of hidden benefits … Continue reading Hidden Benefits of Replacing your Air Conditioner Filter Regularly

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How to Improve and Maintain Healthy Indoor Air Quality

How to Improve and Maintain Healthy Indoor Air Quality

What does having a clean home mean to you? You are most likely thinking about a scrubbed-down bathroom, vacuumed floors, and a clean kitchen. But even with all of this, a home cannot be considered truly clean if the indoor air remains dirty. Did you know that the air inside your house can be 5 times more polluted than the air outside? Indoor air quality is essential for maintaining a healthy living environment. Poor air quality, characterized by the presence … Continue reading How to Improve and Maintain Healthy Indoor Air Quality

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