Top Reasons to Purchase an HVAC Maintenance Plan This New Year

Top Reasons to Purchase an HVAC Maintenance Plan this New Year

We all know by now how important regular HVAC maintenance is. Not only does it ensure optimum performance of your heating and cooling system but also results in better energy efficiency and thus, lower utility bills. Amid a busy life, it is possible that you could forget to have HVAC maintenance scheduled once in a while. Though it may seem trivial, skipping maintenance can have an impact on the HVAC unit’s life. This is where an HVAC maintenance plan can … Continue reading Top Reasons to Purchase an HVAC Maintenance Plan This New Year

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Programmable Thermostat Troubleshooting Tips

Programmable Thermostat Troubleshooting Tips

The programmable thermostat is a blessing to homeowners with a central HVAC system. It lets you adjust the temperature inside your home to desired limits at any time, automatically. Not just that. A programmable thermostat can also reduce your energy bills. By adjusting the temperature as programmed for different times of the day, it can save energy. For example, during the time of the day when you are at work, the thermostat can turn down the heating or cooling and … Continue reading Programmable Thermostat Troubleshooting Tips

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Is Your Indoor Air Quality Really As Good As You Think?

Is Your Indoor Air Quality Really As Good As You Think?

We spend a major portion of our day indoors. It is often relieving to think that we are away from all the pollution outside and breathing the fresh, conditioned air inside our homes or offices. But is the air inside really that safe? Indoor air quality is an important metric that we often fail to measure. The air inside your home can be polluted too, and it can be as much a risk to your health as the air outside. … Continue reading Is Your Indoor Air Quality Really As Good As You Think?

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HVAC Maintenance Tips to Make Your New Year Better

HVAC Maintenance Tips

With New Year’s celebrations done and the early months of the winter cold behind us, it is time again to plan for the year ahead. Summer will soon be around the corner, and before that, you need to do some spring cleaning. HVAC maintenance is essential every six months, preferably during fall and spring. These are the best times because you don’t need your HVAC system much during these seasons. Cleaning and maintenance of your HVAC system regularly ensure that … Continue reading HVAC Maintenance Tips to Make Your New Year Better

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How to Clean a Furnace Filter

How to Clean a Furnace Filter

The furnace filter is one part of your HVAC system that needs regular cleaning and occasional replacement too. It undergoes a lot of wear due to the amount of dirt, dust, and particulates that it is exposed to. A dirty filter can not only impact your indoor air quality but also reduce the efficiency of your HVAC unit. This is why it is essential to know how to clean a furnace filter so you can do it yourself and do … Continue reading How to Clean a Furnace Filter

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Do You Know Your Furnace Filters and How They Affect Your Heating System?

Furnace Filters and How They Affect Your Heating System

The kind of furnace filters you use with your HVAC system can play a big role in the efficiency and overall performance of the heating system. All residential heating and cooling systems with a blower need an air filter to trap the dust, pollen, and other particulate pollutants. Without a furnace filter, these particles could accumulate on other parts of your HVAC system, like the blower or ducts, reducing its efficiency. These pollutants also impact indoor air quality. But furnace … Continue reading Do You Know Your Furnace Filters and How They Affect Your Heating System?

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Why Should You Upgrade Your Heater

Why Should You Upgrade Your Heater

Wondering if you should upgrade your heater this winter? While heating systems are designed to last for a long time, they can develop problems like most other appliances. An old furnace may not be heating your home as it used to, or you may find yourself calling up HVAC professionals frequently for repairs. A unit that is not functioning properly will also use up more energy to heat your home, boosting your energy bills every month. If you suspect that … Continue reading Why Should You Upgrade Your Heater

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How to Boost Furnace Efficiency This Winter

How to Boost Furnace Efficiency This Winter

Winters are tricky. We want to keep our homes warm and cozy but also want to cut down on energy bills, which often seems near impossible with the heating system running day and night. Well, it is not that difficult to achieve both these outcomes if you know how to boost furnace efficiency and minimize energy consumption. With winter already here, it is high time that you start working on these tips to boost furnace efficiency while enjoying the warmth … Continue reading How to Boost Furnace Efficiency This Winter

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Why You Shouldn’t Wait for Furnace Replacement

Why You Shouldn’t Wait for Furnace Replacement

The furnace is a very important part of your HVAC system, and without it, the cold winters can be a nightmare. Have you been told by an HVAC technician that you need a furnace replacement? And have you been putting it off for a while now? If you have paid for furnace repairs numerous times in the past few years or if your furnace is more than ten years old, you probably should not be delaying the replacement any further. … Continue reading Why You Shouldn’t Wait for Furnace Replacement

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Is Your Heating Bill Skyrocketing, and You’re Not Sure Why?

Reasons Why Your Home Heating Bill is Too Higha

For most homeowners, a major concern during winters is the sky-high heating bills they will have to pay for their homes. It is natural to be worried. But now is the time to stop worrying and start acting if you wish to lower your heating bill this winter. There are a few common reasons why your home heating bill is always high. Read on to learn more about all of the reasons that may be increasing your heating bill. It … Continue reading Is Your Heating Bill Skyrocketing, and You’re Not Sure Why?

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