Is HVAC Dust Affecting Your Indoor Air Quality?

HVAC Dust & Indoor Air Quality

Your indoor air quality can be affected by several factors, and one of these factors is dust. Most homeowners will be irritated by dust, mostly because it makes the house look unkempt. However, what they do not realize is that a dirty house should be the least of their worries. HVAC dust can affect indoor air quality significantly, which in turn harms your health. Keep reading to find out how dust affects your indoor air quality and how your HVAC … Continue reading Is HVAC Dust Affecting Your Indoor Air Quality?

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Heating Tips for Keeping Your Pets Comfortable

Heating Tips for Keeping Your Pets Comfortable

When considering your family’s comfort and your HVAC system, you also probably want to think about your pets. After all, the heating and air conditioning in your house will affect your pets as well. However, similar to humans, pets can have a variety of HVAC needs based on several different factors. It helps, therefore, to have some heating tips that ensure your pets remain comfortable whenever they are indoors, whether you are home or away. Keep reading for several useful … Continue reading Heating Tips for Keeping Your Pets Comfortable

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Furnace Safety: Important Furnace Maintenance Tips

Furnace Safety Tips

Furnace safety is important, especially if you have a gas furnace. One of the most concerning problems is a carbon monoxide leak. To ensure furnace safety, many new gas furnaces usually come with features that turn off the furnace in case of a leak. However, even with these modern safety features, it is important to keep a couple of safety tips in mind. Keep reading to find out what you can do to ensure your home is safe. As a … Continue reading Furnace Safety: Important Furnace Maintenance Tips

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Thermostat Best Practices for Fall

Thermostat Best Practices for Fall

One of the easiest ways to boost your HVAC system’s efficiency is through thermostat best practices. Just learning a few thermostat best practices can help you save significantly on energy costs and get more out of your heating and cooling system. It is easy to use your thermostat to help keep your HVAC system working well. Just keep a few basic rules in mind, and you will be well on your way to better — and cheaper — heating & … Continue reading Thermostat Best Practices for Fall

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Heat Pumps: A Guide to the Three Kinds of Heat (and When to Use Them)

Heat Pumps: A Guide to Kinds of Heat

One of the biggest heat pump myths or misunderstandings out there is that a heat pump is not sufficient to warm your entire home, or that they work less effectively than a traditional furnace. What this view does not consider, though, is how heat pumps make up for the lower overall power through supplementary heating elements and finer control. The more you know about the different heating elements of heat pumps and how they work together to keep your home … Continue reading Heat Pumps: A Guide to the Three Kinds of Heat (and When to Use Them)

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Heat Pump Myths & Misunderstandings

Heat Pump Myths & Misunderstandings

In addition to the traditional furnace and air conditioner combo, you now have a few different options for providing heating and cooling in your St. Louis area home. In particular, heat pumps offer an alternative to heating and cooling with lots of advantages. You have to dig through a few heat pump myths to see why so many choose this option, but once you do the benefits are clear. Despite the many heat pump myths out there, the heat pump … Continue reading Heat Pump Myths & Misunderstandings

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Indoor Air Quality Tips for Your Halloween Party

Indoor Air Quality Tips for Your Halloween Party

A Halloween party can be a lot of fun, no matter what your age. One thing to consider when planning this year’s Halloween party though, is the impact it might have on your HVAC system and energy bills. Using these indoor air quality tips, you can keep your family comfy and healthy and your HVAC system working well. In addition to indoor air quality tips, a lot of these ideas will also improve the efficiency of your HVAC system — … Continue reading Indoor Air Quality Tips for Your Halloween Party

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Energy Efficient HVAC Settings for Mild Fall Weather

Energy Efficient HVAC Settings for Mild Fall Weather

As the weather starts to cool and change in the fall, you might be looking forward to cozy fall activities, pumpkin spice flavored drinks, and fresh pumpkins and gourds. There is one more thing to look forward to in the fall, though, and that is more energy efficient HVAC use. Sure, it is not as fun as apple picking or pumpkin carving, but the ability to save energy and money with more energy efficient HVAC use is still a reason … Continue reading Energy Efficient HVAC Settings for Mild Fall Weather

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What To Do About a Rusty Air Conditioner

Rusty Air Conditioner Cleaning & Repair

A rusty air conditioner may not seem like that big of an issue. Especially if you think that an air conditioner will not start to rust until it is getting to the end of its life anyway. Sometimes though, rust can become a problem for your air conditioner after even just a few years. High humidity and the presence of corrosive particles in the air can increase rusting and leave you with heating & air conditioning issues in no time. … Continue reading What To Do About a Rusty Air Conditioner

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Types of Air Filters: An Overview

Types of Air Filters

Understanding more about the types of air filters that are available for commercial and residential HVAC systems can help you keep your heating and air conditioning working well and can alleviate indoor air quality concerns. Especially for people living with asthma or other respiratory health issues, considering more advanced air filter types can help make breathing easier. Some types of air filters, for instance, are better able to remove particles from the air. Others can help keep your heating & … Continue reading Types of Air Filters: An Overview

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