Simple Tips to Improve Your HVAC System Lifespan

Improve HVAC System Lifespan & Efficiency

When you think of routine home maintenance, a few obvious things may come to mind such as cleaning your gutters or fixing a leaky faucet. While you are running through your checklist, remember to include an HVAC inspection. With proper care, you can add years to your HVAC system lifespan. We have compiled a comprehensive list of tips to help you lengthen the usefulness of your current system (and maybe even improve HVAC system efficiency as well). For more information … Continue reading Simple Tips to Improve Your HVAC System Lifespan

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Prevent Furnace Breakdowns: 3 Simple Steps to Keep Your Furnace Happy

Prevent Furnace Breakdown | St. Louis HVAC Tips

Experts agree your furnace typically has a lifespan of approximately 12 years. Yet, without proper maintenance, that number becomes even smaller. There are a few easy steps you can take to prevent furnace breakdown. Just like any appliance, your furnace requires proper care. We all understand the annoyance that comes with a malfunctioning piece of machinery, especially one your home depends on heavily. This list will help you prevent furnace breakdown as the cold winter months set in. For more … Continue reading Prevent Furnace Breakdowns: 3 Simple Steps to Keep Your Furnace Happy

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Work Smarter, Not Harder: Tips to Make Your Home More Energy Efficient

Tips to Make Your Home More Energy Efficient

Over the years, people are becoming more environmentally conscious. We do small things every day like bringing our own bags to the store or recycling our trash. There are a few things you can do around the house as well to reduce your carbon footprint and save money throughout the year. An energy efficient home can make a big difference in your life and the lives of everyone around you. If you would like more tips on energy efficient living … Continue reading Work Smarter, Not Harder: Tips to Make Your Home More Energy Efficient

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Prepare for a Cozy Fall with HVAC Efficiency Tips

HVAC Efficiency Tips for a Cozy Fall

The leaves are changing, and the temperature is finally cooling down in St. Louis. Now is the time to prepare for the cold weather. As you stock up on hot cocoa and warm blankets, be sure to check that your HVAC system is working at peak performance. For this, proper HVAC care is important. Use these HVAC efficiency tips as an outline to ensure your family is warm and cozy this fall season. For more HVAC efficiency tips from your … Continue reading Prepare for a Cozy Fall with HVAC Efficiency Tips

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Why You Should Replace Your Furnace in the Fall

Replace Your Furnace in the Fall

With the changing of seasons in St. Louis, it is easy to get caught up in lingering days of Summer. Many are attempting to squeeze in that last trip to the lake or campgrounds before the leaves begin to fall and the weather turns. In between your end of summer activities, it may be time to replace your furnace for the fall. While replacing your furnace is possible throughout the year, there are many benefits to tackling it early. Contact … Continue reading Why You Should Replace Your Furnace in the Fall

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Tips to Improve Furnace Efficiency

Tips to Improve Furnace Efficiency

Replacing your furnace can be a big decision to make. The expense of a new unit and the time it takes to install makes purchasing a new furnace a substantial investment. However, many homeowners still want to know how they can improve furnace efficiency without the expense of an entirely new unit. If you are happy with your current equipment, but are looking to save money and improve efficiency, there are a few simple steps you can take to improve … Continue reading Tips to Improve Furnace Efficiency

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Indoor Air Quality Solutions for Fall Allergies

Indoor Air Quality Solutions for Fall Allergies

Summer is ending, and for many St. Louis homeowners that brings the welcome cooler fall air and the ability to open your windows to nature. However, throughout the fall months, debris will inevitably settle into your vents affecting the air quality in your home. Dust, mold, pollens, and animal droppings can all accumulate. If anyone in your family suffers from respiratory issues caused by fall allergies, don’t hesitate. Check out these hints and tips to improve the air quality of … Continue reading Indoor Air Quality Solutions for Fall Allergies

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5 Basic Tips for Buying a New Furnace

Tips for Buying a New Furnace

Buying a new furnace can seem like an overwhelming task. Yet, with fall on the horizon, it is important to protect your home or business from the cold St. Louis days ahead. Therefore, the experts at Galmiche & Sons have compiled this comprehensive list to make buying a new furnace as easy as possible for you. Take a look as these hints to gain insight before you make your purchase. If you are ready to move forward with your purchase … Continue reading 5 Basic Tips for Buying a New Furnace

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Simple Tips to Prepare Your Air Conditioner for Fall

Tips to Prepare Air Conditioner for Fall

As you get ready to head into fall and for the cold days to come, it is easy to forget about your air conditioner and the things you will need to do to prepare your air conditioner for the fall. Don’t worry it is not too much — just a few simple steps will help your air conditioner stay ready to go through the cold months of fall and winter. After all, when spring and summer roll around, you will … Continue reading Simple Tips to Prepare Your Air Conditioner for Fall

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Keeping Warm without a Heater: Tips for Those Holding off Turning on the Furnace

Keeping Warm without a Heater

Many people try to wait as long as possible before turning on the furnace for winter. While keeping warm without a heater is certainly possible, especially before the weather turns fully, it can take a little planning to do so comfortably. Most people approach the issue without really thinking about keeping warm without a heater. They assume putting up with a little discomfort is the price to pay for lower energy bills. However, for fall days that start to chill, … Continue reading Keeping Warm without a Heater: Tips for Those Holding off Turning on the Furnace

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