HVAC Repairs: Tips to Describe Your Problem to the HVAC Contractor

HVAC Repairs | Tips for Describing Your HVAC Problems

If you have an HVAC system in your home, you will likely find yourself in need of HVAC repairs at one point or another. However, if you are like most homeowners, you may feel stuck when it comes to explaining your problems to the contractor. So, how do you go about it? Here are a few tips to help when you need HVAC repairs. Whether you are looking for HVAC repairs, or you would like a new unit installed altogether, … Continue reading HVAC Repairs: Tips to Describe Your Problem to the HVAC Contractor

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HVAC Insurance: Do You Need Additional Insurance for Your HVAC System?

HVAC Insurance | Protect Your HVAC System

Because the HVAC system is one of the most important and costly systems in every house, it is a good idea to have at least some HVAC insurance that will cover it in the event of certain circumstances. This will enable you to rest easy knowing that should damage occur, you have the system covered. However, most homeowners do not know about the types of HVAC insurance or that it even exists in the first place. In this article, we … Continue reading HVAC Insurance: Do You Need Additional Insurance for Your HVAC System?

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Basic Tips for Maintaining Your Air Conditioner

Tips for Maintaining Your Air Conditioner

Maintaining your air conditioner is a necessary task if you want your HVAC system to serve you for a long time. Not only does regular and proper maintenance make the air conditioner unit more effective, it also helps with saving on energy bills. There are various components that make up the air conditioner and each of these needs regular maintenance to work efficiently. If you have no idea of how to go about maintaining your air conditioner, then this article … Continue reading Basic Tips for Maintaining Your Air Conditioner

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How to Hide Your AC Unit without Compromising Efficiency

Tips to Hide AC Unit

One problem that many homeowners face when it comes to their HVAC is how to hide the outdoor AC unit. This can be especially tricky because the outdoor unit is essential and as such, a house cannot do without it. However, most homeowners feel that the outdoor AC unit is unsightly and a hindrance to their landscaping and yard aesthetic. In most cases, moving the system is costly and is not always feasible. Hiding the AC unit however, poses another … Continue reading How to Hide Your AC Unit without Compromising Efficiency

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Have You Changed Your Ceiling Fan Direction for Spring?

Ceiling Fan Direction for Spring

When it comes to your HVAC system, moving from winter to summer weather means making a switch between using the system for heating to cooling. When this happens, it is important that you also consider changing your ceiling fan direction. Not only does this change help to make it more comfortable in your home, but also changing your ceiling fan direction can help you save on energy bills. In addition to changing fan direction, another part of getting your HVAC … Continue reading Have You Changed Your Ceiling Fan Direction for Spring?

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Air Conditioner Sizing: Bigger isn’t Better

Air Conditioner Sizing

In many circumstances, the bigger the appliance the better results you are likely to get. However, this notion is completely wrong when it comes to air conditioners. Air conditioner sizing is very important, and homeowners should pay close attention when deciding what air conditioner unit to buy for the home. Air conditioners that are oversized can cause certain problems. Read on to find out why it is important to get the right air conditioner size. If you are stuck choosing … Continue reading Air Conditioner Sizing: Bigger isn’t Better

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AC Coil Corrosion & How to Prevent It

AC Coil Corrosion Prevention

AC coil corrosion is a major HVAC problem that can cause serious problems. As is the case for any other HVAC related issue, it is better to prevent coil corrosion rather than repair it. With that said, in cases of advanced AC coil corrosion, which leads to refrigerant leaks, the air conditioner may not be reparable and therefore, you may have to replace the entire system. Because it can be an expensive issue, it is best to deal with AC … Continue reading AC Coil Corrosion & How to Prevent It

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How Your Pets Affect Indoor Air Quality

Pets & Indoor Air Quality

Living with pets has a number of advantages, and many homeowners are happy to open their homes to their furry friends. What many of us do not realize, however, is just how our pets can affect the indoor air quality of our home. From your pet’s hair to its dander, there are quite a few ways it can negatively impact the indoor air quality of your home. Fortunately, there is no cause for panic, as there are many ways in … Continue reading How Your Pets Affect Indoor Air Quality

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Top Air Conditioner Problems in Spring

Air Conditioner Problems in Spring

Air conditioner problems, no matter when they occur, can take a huge toll on your budget. Therefore, it helps to know what kind of problems you might be able to anticipate. This not only helps you avoid some of these common springtime air conditioner problems but also prepares you in case they occur. At Galmiche & Sons, we know how stressful an air conditioner problem can be, especially knowing our hot and humid St. Louis summer is just around the … Continue reading Top Air Conditioner Problems in Spring

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Considering AC Replacement? Learn What Features Can Save You Most

AC Replacement | How to Save with a New AC

A broken air conditioning system can be a source of great stress, especially with one of our hot and humid St. Louis summers right around the corner. Besides making your home uncomfortable, it can sometimes mean expensive and unplanned repair costs. In some cases, getting an AC replacement may be a better option as compared to paying for system repair. If you are considering AC replacement over repair, you will undoubtedly seek to get the best deal that is right … Continue reading Considering AC Replacement? Learn What Features Can Save You Most

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