Why is My HVAC Unit Frozen?

Why is My HVAC Unit Frozen

Whether you are in the middle of a busy weekend or trying to relax after a hard day, it is never a good time if you find yourself checking your HVAC unit only to find it is frozen. If you find yourself asking “WHY is my HVAC unit frozen?!”, this is undoubtedly a frustrating experience that can result from a couple different scenarios affecting your HVAC unit. Frozen HVAC units can occur in summer and winter, and below we discuss … Continue reading Why is My HVAC Unit Frozen?

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Why is My Heating Bill So High? Common Causes for a High Heating Bill

Causes for a High Heating Bill

“Why is my heating bill so high?” is a common question that frustrates many St. Louis residents during the winter months. Not only does a high heating bill wreak havoc on your family budget, it also makes you wonder what is causing the flare up. Below we discuss some possible causes of your high heating bill and how to fix them. For more help in the greater St. Louis area, give Galmiche & Sons a call at 314-993-1110 so we … Continue reading Why is My Heating Bill So High? Common Causes for a High Heating Bill

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How Do HVAC Dampers Work?

How Do HVAC Dampers Work

There are many components that function together to make your home’s HVAC system work. When they are all properly functioning, your home should be in a great state as far as its heating and air conditioning goes. One set of HVAC mechanisms that help your system meet your home’s temperature needs are dampers. You may be asking yourself what they are exactly, and how do HVAC dampers work. We answer this question in the article below! In the meantime, if … Continue reading How Do HVAC Dampers Work?

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Questions to Ask When Getting an HVAC Estimate

HVAC Estimate | Questions to Ask

So you have come to the point where it is time to replace your current HVAC system, or perhaps you have a new build requiring a new system. With so many options on the market and so many considerations to be made, the process can often feel overwhelming if not at least a little off-putting. From budgetary concerns to important system functions, there are specific questions to ask when getting a HVAC estimate that will help you decide whether the … Continue reading Questions to Ask When Getting an HVAC Estimate

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Understanding Factors that Affect “Home Comfort”

Home Comfort | St. Louis HVAC Tips

Home is where we go to relax and unwind after a long day at work. It is the place where we celebrate our family milestones, holidays, and important dates. Home should be a haven, and because of that it is important to make sure you and your family are able to fully enjoy all facets of home comfort. One of the major factors of home comfort is your home’s capacity to control the temperature and maintain a desirable climate inside. … Continue reading Understanding Factors that Affect “Home Comfort”

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Should You Consider Heating and Cooling System Replacement Before Selling Your Home?

Heating and Cooling System Replacement | Selling a Home

If you are like most homeowners, your house is your most valuable asset, and you will want to take care that you get the most out of it. For some, this may mean replacing the heating and cooling system before having the house listed. If you preparing to put your house up for sale, and already know you need to replace the heating and cooling system before it goes on the market, give us a call at 314-993-1110. Galmiche & … Continue reading Should You Consider Heating and Cooling System Replacement Before Selling Your Home?

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4 Weeks to Improved Heating Comfort: DIY Heating Tips

DIY Heating Tips | St. Louis HVAC Tips

Our cold St. Louis winters can be serious inspiration for homeowners wanting to make sure their HVAC system is running at its optimum performance, and it is usually after the first heating bill comes in! We recommend annual maintenance for your HVAC system, so our expert service technicians can give your system a thorough review, and check for potential leaks or worn out parts that may be hindering your system’s output. In between your regular system maintenance checks, there are … Continue reading 4 Weeks to Improved Heating Comfort: DIY Heating Tips

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What is the Best Sleeping Temperature for Your Bedroom?

Best Sleeping Temperature | St. Louis HVAC Tips

There is little better than getting that perfect night’s sleep. Waking up feeling rested and refresh, and that good feeling usually lasts you the full day! Many factors go into getting a good night’s sleep, and one of them is the sleeping temperature in your bedroom. Indeed, your room temperature for sleeping goes a long way in helping your body fall into a restful, solid sleep. If you feel your room sleeping temperature seems to be off, Galmiche & Sons … Continue reading What is the Best Sleeping Temperature for Your Bedroom?

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Managing Humidity and Static Electricity in Your Home

Humidity and Static Electricity | St. Louis HVAC Tips

We all know the frustration of the annoying small shock you can get upon touching a light switch or metal doorknob due to static electricity. However, static electricity can do more than cause slight annoyances. Indeed, it can cause permanent damage to electronics, such as your tablet, laptop, or smart TV, and your appliances such as your microwave. However, there are ways to reduce static electricity in the air by adding a little extra humidity in home air. If you … Continue reading Managing Humidity and Static Electricity in Your Home

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Expert Advice for HVAC System Efficiency

HVAC System Efficiency | St. Louis HVAC Tips

HVAC system efficiency is at the forefront of most homeowners’ minds because a poorly running system can mean costly energy bills, discomfort at home, and needless energy waste. As St. Louis experts in HVAC system efficiency, Galmiche & Sons is here to help. Whether helping means giving you tips to making your home more energy efficient or installing a new, Energy Star certified unit, our heating & air conditioning technicians are ready. Give us a call today at 314-993-1110 and … Continue reading Expert Advice for HVAC System Efficiency

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