Easy Tips to Reduce Your Home Heating Load

Reduce Your Home Heating Load

When those winter heating bills roll in, most of us groan while trying to think of ways to reduce our energy costs and lower the heating load of the home, in other words, the amount of heat and energy needed to effectively heat our house. In St. Louis where cold winter nights can come without notices, we are particularly aware of the need for a warm home over the winter, while we cross our fingers that the heating load is … Continue reading Easy Tips to Reduce Your Home Heating Load

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Reduce Cold and Flu Symptoms with Humidifiers

Reduce Cold and Flu Symptoms with Humidifiers

The flu season is upon us, and the main thing on everyone’s mind, of course, is avoidance! However, sometimes it is impossible to get through the whole winter season without catching at least a cold. Fortunately, there are many tools to help us get by when suffering from cold and flu symptoms, and one of them is a good humidifier! If you are interested in reducing cold and flu symptoms in your home and would like to contact our heating … Continue reading Reduce Cold and Flu Symptoms with Humidifiers

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HVAC Zoning: Achieve the Ideal Balance of Comfort and Efficiency

HVAC Zoning | St. Louis HVAC

Maybe your home has certain cold spots in it that you want heated to the same level as the rest of your house. Perhaps your family has thermostat wars over the desired temperature level in your home. Whether you live on your own and just want your bedroom a little toastier than your kitchen, or you have a big family whose members are constantly bickering over the heating, HVAC zoning may be a great solution for you. HVAC zoning comes … Continue reading HVAC Zoning: Achieve the Ideal Balance of Comfort and Efficiency

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5 Furnace Maintenance Steps to Keep Your Furnace Happy

Furnace Maintenance Steps | St. Louis HVAC

Winter is in full gear in St. Louis, and with it comes those frustratingly high heating bills. Especially for those of us in St. Louis, furnace maintenance is exceptionally important as we deal with the arduous winters we are accustomed to. Once winter has passed, your furnace does not get to rest easy though! Indeed, summer means your furnace blower must work to circulate the cooled air throughout your home, thus making furnace maintenance a necessary routine for your household. … Continue reading 5 Furnace Maintenance Steps to Keep Your Furnace Happy

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Top Tips for Hiring a St. Louis HVAC Technician

St. Louis HVAC Technician

When shopping for a new air conditioner or furnace, it is easy to get caught up in researching the best equipment for your home. There are many positive features to new heating and cooling systems. But many homeowners overlook a critical piece of their HVAC system, the person who will install it. If you hire a bad installer, many of those great energy-saving features may not function to their best ability. Below, we discuss what to look for when it … Continue reading Top Tips for Hiring a St. Louis HVAC Technician

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Heating Tips to Heat Cold Rooms Quickly

Heating Tips for St. Louis Winter

With winter in full swing in St. Louis, there is nothing worse than coming home to a chilly home. Luckily, there are several ways to quickly heat up a cold room, so you can have a cozy home. Many of these heating tips are easy to implement and will not cost you a lot of money. At Galmiche & Sons, our goal is to help homeowners in the St. Louis area get the most out of their heating & air … Continue reading Heating Tips to Heat Cold Rooms Quickly

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4 Mistakes to Avoid When Buying a Programmable Thermostat

Programmable Thermostat for Energy Efficiency

So, you are ready to upgrade your home with a programmable thermostat and enjoy the benefits of creating a comfortable and energy efficient home. There are some important things you need to know first. Many St. Louis homeowners find that even after they have upgraded their programmable thermostat, they are still not seeing a difference in their energy bill. Or worse, their electric bill might have even increased in price. By understanding some important common mistakes when buying a programmable … Continue reading 4 Mistakes to Avoid When Buying a Programmable Thermostat

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5 Common Reasons Your Furnace Might Not Be Keeping Your Home Warm

Furnace Tips | St. Louis HVAC

Are you constantly reaching for an extra blanket or another sweater while sitting on the couch? This might be a sign that your furnace might not be keeping your home warm and may point to larger issues with your heating and cooling system or your home. Galmiche & Sons has more than 60 years of furnace experience in the St. Louis area, offering comprehensive repair and solutions to common problems. We will be happy to help diagnose your home’s gas … Continue reading 5 Common Reasons Your Furnace Might Not Be Keeping Your Home Warm

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Furnace Filter Questions Answered

Furnace Filter Questions

The filter in your home’s furnace is a vital part of your heating & cooling system. Yet with so many types and features on the market, there are many furnace filter questions that crop up for homeowners. No one wants to risk damaging their HVAC system, after all. Galmiche & Sons is a St. Louis based HVAC company with decades of furnace maintenance and repair experience under our belts, and we can answer any of your furnace filter questions. Our … Continue reading Furnace Filter Questions Answered

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Improve Your Health with Your HVAC this Cold & Flu Season

Flu Season HVAC Tips

The flu season is upon us and the virus has swept across the United States this winter, with epidemic levels of illness. We all know the tried and true methods of staying healthy, from drinking extra orange juice to washing hands. However, many people do not consider how they can use their HVAC system to help prevent getting sick during this cold and flu season. From the office to at home, if you would like to learn more about how … Continue reading Improve Your Health with Your HVAC this Cold & Flu Season

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