Improve Your Health with Your HVAC this Cold & Flu Season

Flu Season HVAC Tips

The flu season is upon us and the virus has swept across the United States this winter, with epidemic levels of illness. We all know the tried and true methods of staying healthy, from drinking extra orange juice to washing hands. However, many people do not consider how they can use their HVAC system to help prevent getting sick during this cold and flu season. From the office to at home, if you would like to learn more about how … Continue reading Improve Your Health with Your HVAC this Cold & Flu Season

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Whole Home Humidifiers vs. Portable Humidifiers

Whole Home Humidifiers vs. Portable Humidifiers

Whole home humidifiers keep the relative humidity in your home or office balanced to protect against the damaging effects of not enough moisture. It also adds to the comfort of your environment as well as saves energy, saves money, and reduces maintenance. Optimal comfort is achieved when humidity levels are between 30 – 50%, and a whole home humidifier can provide that. At Galmiche & Sons, we can help keep you comfortable. We install whole home humidifiers throughout the St. … Continue reading Whole Home Humidifiers vs. Portable Humidifiers

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Winter Indoor Air Quality Concerns

Winter Indoor Air Quality Tips

Winter indoor air quality differs from others seasons in some very important ways. As we spend much more time indoors during the cold winter months in St. Louis, many allergens come from internal sources including building materials, pets, cooking fumes, and dust. Additionally, low humidity levels can worsen the impact of allergens and promote the spread of disease, making winter indoor air quality even more of a concern. If you find yourself suffering from seasonal allergies or symptoms of poor … Continue reading Winter Indoor Air Quality Concerns

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Winter Allergies: A Guide to Winter Allergens to Watch Out For

Winter Allergies | Allergy Prevention Tips

Fighting off winter allergies is no easy feat – they take on a different shape than allergies at any other time of year. This is due in large part to the amount of time we spend indoors. Winter allergies are caused mostly by contaminants and dangerous spores that float around in our air. If you want to combat your winter allergies in your home or business, there are a few simple and easy steps you can take. 4 Ways to … Continue reading Winter Allergies: A Guide to Winter Allergens to Watch Out For

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Why You Need a Nursery Humidifier in Your Baby’s Room

Nursery Humidifier Benefits

A nursery humidifier is one of the most overlooked necessities when planning for a new member of the family. Parenting books, diapers, and many small outfits are must haves before your bundle of joy arrives. However, it is never too early to begin thinking about your child’s long-term health. Nursery humidifiers are an essential step to ensuring happy, healthy development in these precious first years of life. If you have questions about the benefits of adding a nursery humidifier to … Continue reading Why You Need a Nursery Humidifier in Your Baby’s Room

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Humidity Levels 101: What is the Best Humidity Level for Your Home

Humidity Levels | St. Louis HVAC Tips

During the hot summer months, the humidity levels inside your home can go through the roof, which can cause not only a lot of personal discomfort but also pose a health risk and potential damage to your household. A home with high humidity levels is the perfect breeding ground for mold spores, mildew, and dust mites to form. A hot and humid environment can also cause breathing difficulties, allergy attacks, and a compromised immune system. Incorrect humidity levels can lead … Continue reading Humidity Levels 101: What is the Best Humidity Level for Your Home

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Tips to Improve Winter Indoor Air Quality

Improve Indoor Air Quality in Winter

Compared to older houses, today’s homes have incredibly tight envelopes in order to keep the elements out and keep the heat or cold in (depending on the season). An unfortunate side effect of these tight home envelopes is that pollutants and allergens are also trapped inside, reducing overall indoor air quality and potentially causing various respiratory issues. Additionally, the tight seals can cause stuffiness and a dry environment within the home. At Galmiche & Sons Heating and Cooling, we want … Continue reading Tips to Improve Winter Indoor Air Quality

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6 Problems Caused by Low Indoor Humidity & How to Combat Them

Low Indoor Humidity Problems

If you have ever experienced a winter in Missouri, you know how low indoor humidity can get. This is because cold air is denser and cannot hold as much moisture as warmer air. Though the ideal humidity in winter is around 45 percent, many people find their homes hovering as low as 15%! While dry air can be uncomfortable, it can also cause many other (and more serious) problems as well. Read on to find out more about six of … Continue reading 6 Problems Caused by Low Indoor Humidity & How to Combat Them

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Cleaning Your Whole House Humidifier: A DIY Guide

Cleaning Your Whole House Humidifier

Right off the bat it is important to note that before attempting to clean your whole house humidifier, you should absolutely read through the Owner’s Manual that came with your unit for specific instructions regarding your particular make and model. With that out of the way, here is Galmiche & Sons’ guide to cleaning your whole house humidifier. In it, you will find a general outline on how to clean your humidifier the proper and safe way. To learn more … Continue reading Cleaning Your Whole House Humidifier: A DIY Guide

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A Guide to Aprilaire Humidifier Replacement

Aprilaire Humidifier Replacement Guide

One of the most frustrating things is when something you use all the time needs to be repaired, but the company no longer makes your model! If you have an Aprilaire humidifier that cannot be fixed and is either out of warranty or is no longer in production, then it is time to go replacement shopping. Luckily, there are plenty of new Aprilaire humidifier models to replace your old one, and they are often far more reliable, effective, and efficient … Continue reading A Guide to Aprilaire Humidifier Replacement

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