How to Make Your Smart Home Work for You While on Vacation

Make Your Smart Home Work for You While on Vacation

With the elements of spring making themselves subtly known by the little green sprouts coming out of the ground and the buds on the trees, many St. Louis residents are already dreaming of their next summer vacation, or better yet, Spring Break! While vacation is meant to give us a break from the stresses of daily life, sometimes we carry the worry with us about our homes while we are away. A smart home is one sure way of letting … Continue reading How to Make Your Smart Home Work for You While on Vacation

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Thermostat Troubleshooting: Signs of Broken Thermostat

Signs of Broken Thermostat

As is the case with most systems and machines, we only ever really take notice of them when they are broken. Thermostats are no different. This vital piece to your home’s HVAC system is one of the keys to ensuring your comfort throughout any season. When it stops functioning, it throws everything off kilter. Fortunately, there are several ways to troubleshoot for a broken thermostat and not all solutions mean high expenditures. If you are concerned about a broken thermostat … Continue reading Thermostat Troubleshooting: Signs of Broken Thermostat

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How the Right Thermostat Can Improve Energy Efficiency

Improve Energy Efficiency with New Thermostat

As your main way of controlling your HVAC system, your thermostat plays a huge role in home energy efficiency. In fact, a more effective thermostat can improve the energy efficiency of your home quite a bit. One reason to consider a new thermostat as a way to improve energy efficiency is that there is a lot of new technology out there right now for programmable and smart thermostats. These new thermostat models come with lots of programming options to help … Continue reading How the Right Thermostat Can Improve Energy Efficiency

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Get a Better Night’s Sleep with a New Thermostat

New Thermostat for a Better Night Sleep

Good sleep is an incredibly important aspect of health, not to mention happiness. Tossing and turning all night is never fun, and old thermostats can be part of the problem. How can a new thermostat help you sleep? By keeping you cool at night. Even when it is cold outside, the human body prefers a colder temperature for sleeping than during waking hours. So, while your heat may feel great during the day, if your thermostat settings stay the same … Continue reading Get a Better Night’s Sleep with a New Thermostat

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Can Temperature Zoning Really Save Money on HVAC Bills?

Can Temperature Zoning Save Money on HVAC Bills

There are a few different reasons you might be looking into a temperature zoning system for your home. For some, there are different heating and cooling needs in different parts of the home. For others, temperature zoning might be a way to save on energy bills and get more out of your HVAC system. But, does it really work? In a word, yes. When used correctly, different temperature zones can help you reduce your energy bills and maintain a well-functioning … Continue reading Can Temperature Zoning Really Save Money on HVAC Bills?

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Tips for Optimizing Your Programmable Thermostat for Winter Savings

Optimizing Your Programmable Thermostat for Winter Savings

Programmable thermostats offer a lot of advantages over traditional thermostats. From easier setting adjustments to remote control, you probably had many reasons for investing in a programmable thermostat. One of the main reasons so many are excited about this new HVAC technology, however, is the potential it has to lower energy bills and boost efficiency. It has long been known that adjusting the temperature settings on your home heating system even a tiny bit can translate into great energy savings. … Continue reading Tips for Optimizing Your Programmable Thermostat for Winter Savings

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Thermostat Best Practices for Fall

Thermostat Best Practices for Fall

One of the easiest ways to boost your HVAC system’s efficiency is through thermostat best practices. Just learning a few thermostat best practices can help you save significantly on energy costs and get more out of your heating and cooling system. It is easy to use your thermostat to help keep your HVAC system working well. Just keep a few basic rules in mind, and you will be well on your way to better — and cheaper — heating & … Continue reading Thermostat Best Practices for Fall

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What is a Wireless Thermostat?

What is a Wireless Thermostat

A smart or wireless thermostat is a great way to increase control of your heating and cooling system in order to boost comfort and save money. Simply put, a wireless thermostat is a programmable thermostat that you can control from your phone or another smart device, rather than needing to program the device directly. There are a lot of reasons to consider switching to a wireless thermostat or opting for an HVAC system that has one included if you are … Continue reading What is a Wireless Thermostat?

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Tips for Creating a More Efficient Smart Home: HVAC Upgrades

Tips for Creating a More Efficient Smart Home

The rise of smart devices and the internet of things has made life more comfortable than ever and helped millions of people save time, energy, and money by taking control of their home. In the modern smart home, you can find controls for lighting, cameras, locks, and more. Every day more amenities are wired into the smart device network. This helps you as a homeowner control how much energy you use and allows you to adjust settings from your phone, … Continue reading Tips for Creating a More Efficient Smart Home: HVAC Upgrades

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What is the Best Thermostat Placement for Your Home?

Best Thermostat Placement

You may not think that thermostat placement matters all that much as far as air conditioner functioning goes, but it does! Improper thermostat placement can cause all kinds of issues with your heating and cooling, and it is possible that — if left untreated — these problems could cause damage to your HVAC system as well. Plus, having a thermostat that reads the wrong temperature can be annoying to deal with, leaving you adjusting all the time, rather than sitting … Continue reading What is the Best Thermostat Placement for Your Home?

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