Have You Changed Your Ceiling Fan Direction for Spring?

Ceiling Fan Direction for Spring

When it comes to your HVAC system, moving from winter to summer weather means making a switch between using the system for heating to cooling. When this happens, it is important that you also consider changing your ceiling fan direction. Not only does this change help to make it more comfortable in your home, but also changing your ceiling fan direction can help you save on energy bills.

In addition to changing fan direction, another part of getting your HVAC system ready for spring and summer includes ensuring that your system is in great condition. Therefore, it is helpful to have a professional check. In the greater St. Louis area, Galmiche & Sons is your local HVAC company ready to take care of all your heating & air conditioning needs. Give us a call today at 314-993-1110!

All You Need to Know About Ceiling Fan Direction

You may not know it, but your ceiling fan direction can be changed, and depending on the season, it should be! The blades can either rotate clockwise or counterclockwise. Ceiling fan direction is simply changed by the use of a small button or switch.

For most people, ceiling fans are only used during the summer. However, with the right ceiling fan direction, these fixtures can be great for all seasons. During the summer, your ceiling fan direction should be counterclockwise. This is because the forward movement of the blades pushes cool air down to the floor. The resulting cooling breeze creates a chill making the room much more comfortable.

During winter, the ceiling fan direction should be clockwise. In this direction, the blades push air upwards. As a result, warm air rises towards the ceiling fan and is effectively circulated in the room by pushing it back to the ground.

It is crucial to note that ceiling fans do not necessarily change the indoor air temperature. They simply work by moving the air, which then creates a cooling effect. As such, ceiling fans are best suited to be used in an occupied room and should be switched off to save on energy when the room is empty.

Changing Your Ceiling Fan Direction

Why Should You Change Your Ceiling Fan Direction?

Perhaps you are wondering if it is really all that important to bother changing the ceiling fan direction. We can tell you, it actually does make a difference. The direction in which the blades of your ceiling fan rotate plays a crucial HVAC role.

Here’s why you should change your ceiling fan direction according to the season:

  • Saves you money – Most ceiling fans are built to be used all year round. Changing the direction of your ceiling fan according to the season makes it much easier for you to save on energy bills.
  • Lightens the workload of your HVAC system – A ceiling fan makes it easier for your HVAC system to function since you can typically set the system at a slightly higher or lower temperature without sacrificing comfort. Changing the ceiling fan direction for the season will ensure that you do not overload your heat pump or air conditioner. This can increase your HVAC system’s lifespan.

Call Galmiche & Sons in St. Louis for all Your HVAC Questions

We certainly hope that this article has helped you get to know more about the impact of your ceiling fan direction on indoor comfort. If you would like more information, we will be more than happy to help. Call Galmiche & Sons today at 314-993-1110 for all your heating & air conditioning needs.

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