You might think of HVAC air filters as a small and unimportant part of your overall HVAC setup, but in a lot of ways, air filters are one of the most crucial pieces of a well-functioning HVAC system. Your HVAC has air filters not only to keep the air you are breathing clean and free from contaminants but also to prevent those contaminants from building up inside your unit or ducts. Built-up grime and dust can cause a lot of trouble for your HVAC system, leading to inefficiency, wear, and even a total breakdown.
For the best system performance, make sure your air filters are replaced often and ask your heating & air conditioning service team about switching to higher-rated air filters for even cleaner air.
What Happens When You Do Not Change Your HVAC Air Filter?
The most obvious consequence of not changing your HVAC air filters often enough is dirtier air. Particles like dust, mold spores, and more are present in any home and, without well-functioning air filters, they can quickly become a problem, especially for those who suffer from asthma or other respiratory diseases. Improper HVAC air filter maintenance can also get in the way of energy efficient HVAC function. Dirty filters are harder to push air through and if your HVAC air filters get dirty enough it can start to affect your energy bill. So saving on energy is another big reason to keep those filters clean.
Finally, dirty HVAC air filters can cause increased wear and tear on your unit. Remember how dirty air filters make it harder for air to flow through your system? This can cause your furnace to work too hard trying to overcome the resistance leading to a breakdown either of the furnace itself or of the blower fan motor. Either issue can be costly to fix, but is easily avoided by simply replacing your HVAC air filters often. Even if the dirty filters do not cause a breakdown, the uneven airflow can cause improper temperature regulation or low air pressure in certain parts of your home.
How to Make Sure Your Filters Stay Clean
The best way to ensure your air filters are clean is to clean or replace them often. How often is often? It depends on what the conditions in your home are like. As a rule of thumb, you should always replace HVAC air filters at least every six months. For those with pets, however, replacing air filters every two months is a good idea. If you have lots of pets, or other major contaminants in your home — such as a workshop with airborne chemicals or a fireplace — replacing HVAC air filters even more frequently may be a good idea.
You should be able to replace air filters on your own, though you can also look for an HVAC maintenance contract which includes regular filter replacements. Having a professional team replace your air filters also gives them a chance to check out your unit for other issues, or clean off additional components as well. In fact, cleaning and inspection are the most important aspects of HVAC maintenance, and your heating & air conditioning service team should be able to help you stay on top of these crucial HVAC upkeep tasks.
Learn More About HVAC Air Filter Issues
If you need to schedule heating & air conditioning maintenance for your St. Louis area home or want a bit more information on changing your HVAC air filter, give Galmiche & Sons a call today! We look forward to helping your family stay warm this winter.