Emergency AC Repairs: How to Stay Cool Under Pressure

Emergency AC Repairs: How to Stay Cool Under Pressure

Let’s face it: St. Louis summers are no joke! When the temperature soars to 90+ degrees, a functioning air conditioner becomes necessary. But what happens when your AC decides to quit right in the middle of a heat wave? Sounds like a sweltering nightmare, right? But such a situation is not only possible but quite common too, and emergency AC repairs can be the only solution.

At Galmiche & Sons, our heating and air conditioning professionals understand how critical it is to get your AC up and running again quickly after a sudden breakdown. That is why we have put together some essential tips for emergency AC repairs to help you stay cool under pressure.

Emergency AC Repairs: Effective Tips Recommended by Our HVAC Experts

When your AC breaks down, the first thing to do is not to panic. Take a moment to assess the situation. Is the unit completely unresponsive, or is it just not cooling as effectively as it should? Sometimes, the issue might be something simple that you can address on your own.

Here are some practical tips we recommend for emergency AC repairs:

  1. Check Air Filters: When it comes to common AC problems, dirty and clogged air filters top the list. A clogged air filter restricts airflow and can cause the unit to freeze up or shut down. Thus, when learning about common emergency AC repairs, make it a habit to check and replace your air filter regularly, especially during the peak summer months or if you experience any AC problems.
  2. Reset the System: Sometimes, all your AC needs is a quick reset. Turn off the power to your unit at the thermostat and the circuit breaker, wait a few minutes, and then turn it back on. This simple step can often resolve minor glitches and restore your AC’s functionality. However, this is a temporary fix. If your system continues to have issues, a more thorough emergency AC repair might be needed.
  3. Check the Outdoor Unit: Your AC’s outdoor unit, or condenser, needs plenty of room to breathe. If it’s surrounded by debris, dirt, or overgrown plants, it can’t function properly. So, if your AC has broken down suddenly and you are doing emergency AC repairs, be sure to consider outdoor AC unit maintenance. Clear away any obstructions around the unit. Also, check if the condenser fins are bent or damaged, as this can impede airflow. If they are, straighten them carefully with a fin comb to restore efficiency.
  4. Reach Out to the Experts: Sometimes, even after doing all the DIY emergency AC repairs, you can’t get rid of the issue. And that’s completely fine. That’s what the HVAC experts are there for! At Galmiche & Sons, we have been providing reliable HVAC services in St. Louis since 1950. Our experienced technicians can handle common AC problems and fix any emergency AC repair you might encounter, ensuring your home stays comfortable no matter how high the mercury climbs.

Top-Notch Emergency AC Repairs in St. Louis

Contact Galmiche & Sons for Top-Notch Emergency AC Repairs in St. Louis

While all these tips are indeed helpful, the best way to handle emergency AC repairs is to prevent them from happening in the first place. For that, regular HVAC service maintenance is vital.

Schedule annual HVAC maintenance with Galmiche & Sons to ensure your system is in top shape. Our comprehensive inspections and tune-ups can catch potential problems before they become major issues. Contact us to learn more or request a free quote for your HVAC maintenance today!

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