How to Change Air Filters Like a Pro

How to Change Air Filters Like a Pro

Clean AC filters help improve indoor air quality, lower your energy bills, and extend the life of your HVAC system. Changing your AC filters is one of the most frequently shared DIY AC maintenance tips from HVAC companies, including us. In this article, we explain how to change air filters correctly.

If you need technical maintenance on your AC unit, Galmiche & Sons can get the job done quickly. St. Louis homeowners trust our HVAC technicians for quality repair and maintenance. To schedule a service appointment or learn more, call us at 314-993-1110 or contact our heating and air conditioning professionals online.

How to Change Air Filters in Your AC System

A filter change is a part of any regularly scheduled AC maintenance. But knowing how to change your AC’s filter is important as it will need to be changed in-between annual maintenance visits. Dust and debris accumulating in your AC filters can reduce airflow, making it difficult for your HVAC system to function properly. If the filters get clogged with dust, dirt, and other pollutants, they can put a strain on the fan motor and cause the compressor to heat up.

Therefore, it is worth knowing what changing air filters entails in order to ensure the efficient functioning of your AC unit:

Steps to Change Your Air Filter

  1. Turn off power to your AC system to ensure safety and save energy. Keeping the system running while removing the filter may cause the debris trapped by the air filter to enter other components.
  2. Locate the filter. The location of the filter can vary depending on the design of the HVAC system. It can be behind the return air duct in the ceiling, which is often located in the hallway. It may be by the air handler or the blower system. The filter may be easily visible or located in a compartment that you need to open to access it.
  3. Gently slide out the old air filter. Be careful not to shake it too much to avoid spreading dust.
  4. Inspect the filter to see if it needs to be cleaned or replaced. If it has accumulated a lot of dirt, it is best to replace it with a new one. If you have a reusable filter, wash it per the manufacturer’s instructions.
  5. Dispose of the used filter. As it contains contaminants, put it in a trash bag before throwing it away.
  6. Insert the new or cleaned filter. Check the airflow direction on the filter: the arrow on the filter should point toward the blower.
  7. Turn the system back on.

How to Change Air Filters in Your AC System

Types of Air Filters

Now that you have a good idea of how to change air filters, you may also wonder if you can upgrade to a better filter for better indoor quality. A filter with a higher MERV rating can increase air cleaning efficiency. High-Efficiency Particulate Air filters, or HEPA filters, for example, can remove 99.7% of pollutants, and some last 6-12 months.

Want to destroy bacteria and viruses in your indoor air? Choose ultraviolet air filters, which are on the expensive side but need to be replaced every 9-14 months.

There are other choices as well. Pleated AC filters have a larger surface area and are good at trapping dust, pollen, and pet dander. Fiberglass AC filters are an inexpensive option but need to be replaced every 1-3 months. Electrostatic air filters use static to capture particles and are able to capture small microscopic particles.

When in doubt on how to change air filters or replace current AC filters, talk to the technicians at Galmiche & Sons for tips.

Contact Us for Your AC Tune-Up and Service

With hot months ahead, you may want to consider a summer AC tune-up involving comprehensive cleaning and checking of your AC unit. In addition to regular air filter changes, a tune-up is recommended to keep your AC working efficiently and effectively as the mercury rises. To request an appointment or learn more, call us at 314-993-1110 or schedule your HVAC maintenance online.

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