How to Lower Humidity Indoors to Improve Comfort and AC Efficiency

Lower Humidity Indoors Improve Comfort and AC Efficiency

Living with high humidity indoors can be a real challenge, especially in places like St. Louis, where the climate can be quite humid. A sticky, uncomfortable interior is not only unpleasant but can also wear out your air conditioner as it struggles to keep your home cool. Read on as we explore some effective tips on how to lower humidity indoors, enhance your comfort, and improve the efficiency of your AC.

To learn more or schedule HVAC maintenance service in St. Louis, contact the heating and air conditioning experts at Galmiche & Sons today.

Tips to Lower Humidity in Your Home

Use a Dehumidifier

A dehumidifier can be a game changer when it comes to controlling moisture in your home and considering how to lower humidity indoors. Portable dehumidifiers are great for targeting trouble areas like basements or bathrooms. Alternatively, whole-house dehumidifiers attached to your HVAC system can manage humidity throughout your entire home. These devices extract excess moisture from the air, making it easier for your air conditioner to maintain a comfortable temperature.

Ventilate Properly

Proper ventilation is key to reducing indoor humidity. Aim to use exhaust fans in areas where moisture builds up, such as kitchens and bathrooms. Doing so efficiently removes humid air and replaces it with drier air from outside. On cooler, less humid days, it’s beneficial to open windows and doors to promote air circulation.

Tips to Lower Humidity in Your Home

Regularly Maintain Your AC System to Lower Humidity Indoors

Your air conditioner plays a pivotal role in dehumidifying your home. Regular maintenance is essential to ensure your AC unit functions efficiently. Galmiche & Sons is a trusted provider of air conditioning services in St. Louis. Our technicians know how to lower humidity indoors and ensure optimal performance of your AC all year round.

Fix Any Leaks

Humidity levels can spike due to leaks in your home. Water leaks from the roof, pipes, or even indoor appliances can contribute to higher humidity. Regularly inspect your home for any signs of leaks or water damage and fix them promptly. This not only helps to lower humidity indoors but also prevents potential mold growth.

Limit Indoor Plants

While greenery can make your home more beautiful and fresh, too many indoor plants can raise humidity levels. Plants release moisture into the air through a process called transpiration. If you have several houseplants, you might want to move them outdoors during summer or reduce their number to better manage indoor humidity.

Use Moisture-Absorbing Materials to Lower Humidity Indoors

Certain materials and desiccants can help absorb excess moisture from the air. Silica gel packets, activated charcoal, or even kitty litter can be placed in areas prone to dampness. These materials can effectively lower humidity levels, especially in smaller, enclosed spaces like closets or cabinets.

Keep Showers Short and Use Cooler Water

Long, hot showers can significantly raise the humidity levels in your home. To counter this, keep your showers short and use cooler water temperatures. Additionally, make sure to turn on the exhaust fan while showering and keep it running for a bit afterward to help clear out humid air.

Dry Clothes Outside

Drying clothes indoors can add a substantial amount of moisture to your home’s air. Whenever possible, dry your clothes outside or use a clothes dryer that vents to the exterior. This simple step can help keep your indoor humidity under control, especially in more humid regions like St. Louis.

Utilize Ceiling Fans

Ceiling fans can help circulate air throughout your home, making it feel cooler and more comfortable without putting additional strain on your air conditioning system. Running ceiling fans in conjunction with your AC can help distribute air more effectively and keep your living spaces less humid.

Contact a Galmiche & Sons Professional to Learn How to Lower Humidity Indoors and Increase AC Efficiency

By following these practical tips, you can learn how to lower humidity indoors, making your home more comfortable and efficient. In humid areas such as St. Louis, these strategies can prove especially beneficial, ensuring that you stay cool and comfortable all year round. Get in touch with Galmiche & Sons today to learn more or schedule your HVAC maintenance services.

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