Myth Busters: Separating HVAC Efficiency Facts from Fiction

Myth Busters: Separating HVAC Efficiency Facts from Fiction

Most of us have had HVAC units in our homes for as long as we can remember. With this also comes a lot of tips we might have learned over time or new “HVAC hacks”, we might see go viral on social media. Truth is – there are a lot of myths surrounding HVAC systems, and we’ve all probably become victims of false information. In this guide, we will discuss the most common HVAC myths and also the HVAC efficiency facts you need to know.

To learn more and for tips for keeping your HVAC system running at peak efficiency, contact the heating and air conditioning experts at Galmiche & Sons in St. Louis today.

HVAC Efficiency Facts vs. Myths

Myth: A Bigger HVAC Unit Is Better for the House

Fact: While HVAC units come in a variety of sizes, having a bigger one is not all it’s cracked up to be. The primary rule to understand when investing in an HVAC unit is that it has to fit the needs of your house and your family. When it comes to AC and furnace sizing, there are times when a smaller unit is better suited for you. If your unit is too large for your home, it will experience a lot more wear and tear because it will cycle on and off more often. Contact an HVAC professional to determine which unit size will be ideal for your home.

Myth: If It Isn’t Broken, Don’t Fix It

Fact: Your HVAC unit may appear to be working just fine, but there are aspects of the HVAC unit that need regular monitoring and maintenance. If you are not scheduling regular HVAC maintenance work, you might be damaging your system and also cutting back on efficiency. One of the biggest HVAC efficiency facts is that a neglected unit is a recipe for disaster. When your unit is neglected, it can have leaks and damaged parts, which can cause fires and potentially risk your life.

HVAC Efficiency Facts vs. Myths

Myth: It’s Okay to Use Duct Tape for Duct Leaks

Fact: Duct tape is only recommended for sealing minor cracks and holes and not for repairing your duct pipes. Although there is a similarity in the name, duct tape should never be used to fix leaks and damages in your duct – as it can melt with the high temperatures in your HVAC system. If you are facing issues with your duct, it is best to get a professional to carry out the repair work for you.

Myth: Putting Your Thermostat at the Lowest Setting Will Cool Your House Down Faster

Fact: This is probably one of the biggest myths that needs to be dispelled with our HVAC efficiency facts. HVAC systems are programmed to heat and cool your house at a steady rate, as this ensures proper temperature regulation and is easier on the system. If you dial it all the way down, you are making your unit work harder than it needs to, cooling your home below a comfortable level. Instead of this, why not opt for a programmable thermostat that helps you cool down your house ahead of time? Use a programmable thermostat to cool down the home on the way back from work, and by the time you are home – your rooms will be at the perfect temperature!

Get Expert Advice & HVAC Efficiency Facts from Galmiche & Sons

If you are a homeowner looking to install a new unit, get maintenance work done, or simply avail of a consultation for your unit – Galmiche & Sons has you covered. We are experts in all things HVAC and have been serving the residents of St. Louis for 70+ years now. Contact our professionals today to schedule your HVAC maintenance or learn more facts about keeping your HVAC system running efficiently!

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