How Should HVAC Maintenance Vary Between Winter and Summer Seasons?

Seasonal HVAC Maintenance Tips in Winter & Summer

With spring comes that subtle reminder of life between our two harsher seasons here in St. Louis. Bundling up and cranking the heat becomes slowly forgotten as we move on to dreams of sunglasses and swimming pools. However, for you and your family to have ultimate comfort in your home, regardless of the season, it is important to remember your HVAC maintenance and upkeep and the different treatments your system will require depending on the season to follow.

In St. Louis and the surrounding areas, if you would like to schedule your HVAC maintenance with one of our heating & air conditioning professionals, connect with us online or by phone today!

HVAC Maintenance for Winter and Summer

Keeping up with regular HVAC maintenance is one of the best things you can do for your system’s longevity as well as to ensure comfort in your home, year round. However, depending on the upcoming season, your HVAC maintenance needs will mean different things.

Summer AC Maintenance

HVAC Maintenance Checklists for Summer & Winter

It probably will not come as a surprise that during routine summer HVAC maintenance checks, your service technician will focus on the air conditioning unit. Some of the things you can do ahead of time are:

  • Change the air filter
  • Clean and clear away the debris around the outside unit

When your HVAC maintenance technician arrives, these are some of the things they will check:

  • Thermostat – Your technician will first check that your thermostat and air conditioner are communicating properly to ensure the system is running efficiently from that point.
  • Condensate Drain – Your technician will also check the condensate drain for clogs, which will serve to prevent damage due to water leaks.
  • Electrical Connections – Your technician will check and tighten all the electrical connections of the unit to ensure all components are operating as they should.
  • Refrigerant Levels – Your technician will make sure your system has the correct amount of refrigerant levels so it is running properly. They will also check that there are no leaks.
  • Blower Components – Your technician will clean and adjust the blower components in your system to ensure proper airflow.

Winter Heater & Furnance Maintenance

When it comes to HVAC maintenance ahead of winter, your technician will focus on the furnace rather than the AC unit. When your service technician arrives, these are some of the things they will do during the routine maintenance check:

  • Furnace Service – Your technician will inspect and clean the burner, as well as test the gas levels and igniter function.
  • Inspect Heat Exchanger – Your technician will also check that the heat exchanger is performing as it should.
  • Check Blower Motor – Your technician will lubricate and clean the blower motor.
  • Test Carbon Monoxide Detectors – One of the most important aspects of home safety, your technician will confirm that this safety device is functioning properly.
  • Vent Check – Your technician will check all the supply and return vents to ensure they are unobstructed. They will also check the vent pipe in its entirety, checking for corrosion, rust, or obstructions that could pose a safety hazard.

Learn More About HVAC Maintenance Through the Seasons

For more information about HVAC maintenance needs for your St. Louis area home, call our heating & air conditioning professionals today. Whether you are in need of serious repairs, or just need a simple spring AC maintenance check, we are ready to help!

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