Work Smarter, Not Harder: Tips to Make Your Home More Energy Efficient

Tips to Make Your Home More Energy Efficient

Over the years, people are becoming more environmentally conscious. We do small things every day like bringing our own bags to the store or recycling our trash. There are a few things you can do around the house as well to reduce your carbon footprint and save money throughout the year. An energy efficient home can make a big difference in your life and the lives of everyone around you.

If you would like more tips on energy efficient living spaces and improving the efficiency of your HVAC system, give the experts at Galmiche & Sons a call today. We are here to answer all your heating & air conditioning concerns.

5 Simple Steps to a More Energy Efficient Home

  1. Replace Your Old Furnace– Experts say you should replace your furnace about once every 12 years. With modern advancements in furnace technology, your options for a new furnace are more energy efficient than ever before. New high-efficiency furnaces now have the ability to convert as much as 98.7% of energy used in to heat. These new models will heat your home with ease, costing you less on each energy bill and giving you peace of mind.
  2. Energy Efficient HVAC Tips

  3. Ensure Proper Insulation– A well insulated home can make all the difference in energy efficiency. Even if you have recently purchased a new furnace, it will work much harder than it has to in a home with poor insulation. If you experience drafty rooms or cold spots throughout your home, this is usually a sign of insufficient insulation. Proper insulation keeps the warm air inside and the cold air out during the winter months, helping to make your home a more energy efficient environment.
  4. Upgrade to a Tankless Water Heater– Traditional water heaters are huge energy wasters. They are constantly heating and reheating a large water reserve whether you use it or not. Tankless water heaters are far more energy efficient because they heat water only when you need it. Additionally, if your tankless water heater breaks, repair costs are typically much more affordable. This small change is energy efficient and lowers your monthly costs.
  5. Supplement with Solar– Solar energy is a renewable resource, collecting energy from the sun to power your home. If your home qualifies for solar panels, you could see a drop of as much as 50% in your annual power bill. Solar panels are a surefire way to make your home more energy efficient all year long. Initial costs for solar panels can be intimidating, but there are rebate programs for those who qualify, and the overall savings will offset in the long term.
  6. Contact Your Local Experts– Galmiche & Sons have been serving the St. Louis area since 1950. We have seen the times change, and we understand the importance of having an energy efficient home. We offer top-of-the-line HVAC systems and year-round maintenance to help keep any system running at peak efficiency. With our expertise, you can do your part to help the environment and save money in the process!

Find Out How to Make Your St. Louis Home More Energy Efficient

At Galmiche & Sons, our St. Louis HVAC company is dedicated to offering environmentally friendly services. With our high-efficiency furnaces, you can heat your home while saving money and the environment. Call us now at 314-993-1110! Our heating & air conditioning experts are standing by to serve you!

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