Tips for Optimizing Your Programmable Thermostat for Winter Savings

Optimizing Your Programmable Thermostat for Winter Savings

Programmable thermostats offer a lot of advantages over traditional thermostats. From easier setting adjustments to remote control, you probably had many reasons for investing in a programmable thermostat. One of the main reasons so many are excited about this new HVAC technology, however, is the potential it has to lower energy bills and boost efficiency. It has long been known that adjusting the temperature settings on your home heating system even a tiny bit can translate into great energy savings. New thermostats allow you to take this concept to another level, giving you more control over your HVAC system.

If you do not yet have a programmable thermostat, contact the heating & air conditioning experts at Galmiche & Sons in St. Louis to upgrade your current equipment.

Energy Efficient HVAC Use

So, how can you use a programmable thermostat to achieve a more energy efficient HVAC system? To start with, simply setting temperatures in advance and leaving them alone will prevent you from turning up the heat on colder days and forgetting about it. More detailed setting options also allow you to set your heating to go on at certain temperatures, turn off at certain times, and return to a “normal” state if it has not been adjusted after a certain amount of time.

Unfortunately, though, even the smartest programmable thermostat cannot do all the work for you. Maintaining energy efficiency depends on knowing what proper winter HVAC use looks like first. One simple step you can take is to program your heat to turn down while you are asleep or when no one will be in the house. Simply reducing your target temperature by 10 or so degrees for eight hours has been shown to reduce HVAC energy usage by 15%. So any time you can find to scale back the heat will help. Similarly, while many people set a target temperature in the 70s, reducing this to 68 degrees still feels comfortable to most people, while saving significantly on energy use.

Get the Most Out of Your Programmable Thermostat

With the basics of efficiency HVAC use in mind, your programmable thermostat can help you realize even greater savings. In fact, the cost of an upgrade is usually more than offset by the programmable thermostat savings you can achieve by switching. Why? For a lot of people, these tips are easy enough to understand but actually remembering to switch the settings or turn off the heat when it is not needed is another matter indeed. Plus, a programmable thermostat can make efficiency more comfortable. You can do things like set the heat to come on right before you wake up so you do not have to face too cold a morning while also saving on heat through the night.

Setting Your Programmable Thermostat for Winter

While these new thermostats open up a lot more possibility for savings, it is important to remember that they will not do everything on their own. If you do not apply sensible heating practices, you will not be using your programmable thermostat to its fullest potential.

Learn More About Programmable Thermostats

To learn more or find out how to upgrade your heating & air conditioning system with a new programmable thermostat, contact Galmiche & Sons in St. Louis today.

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