5 Times When Air Conditioner Replacement is the Best Choice

Air Conditioner Replacement Tips

There are some telltale signs that indicate when it is time to let go of your old air conditioning or heating system. Summer is just around the corner, and your system might not be up to the job of cooling your home during the St. Louis hot days. If you notice that your HVAC system has been having some issues, it may be time to decide whether or not air conditioner replacement is necessary. So, how do you know whether … Continue reading 5 Times When Air Conditioner Replacement is the Best Choice

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What are HVAC UV Lights?

Benefits of HVAC UV Lights

HVAC UV lights are designed to improve the air quality in your home. UV stands for ultraviolet, a spectrum of light that is very effective at killing bacteria, mold, and other disease-causing microorganisms. These lights are used as a safe disinfection solution in industrial, commercial, and healthcare settings. For instance, the food industry ensures the safety of its products by irradiating working surfaces to disinfect them. UV lights are also used to purify water to ensure that it is safe … Continue reading What are HVAC UV Lights?

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Troubleshooting Common AC Problems

Troubleshooting AC Problems

Learning how to troubleshoot common AC problems can save you money and ensure that your home remains comfortable in the sweltering St. Louis summer heat. Although many air conditioner repairs will have to be conducted by a St. Louis HVAC professional, there are some simple fixes that you can do to address common problems and keep your AC running. Read on to learn some troubleshooting tips for common AC problems, and then call the heating & air conditioning professionals at … Continue reading Troubleshooting Common AC Problems

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The Internet of Things and the HVAC Industry

HVAC Industry | Internet of Things Technology

The HVAC industry has experienced huge technological innovations recently and many of the changes are due to the application of the Internet of Things (IoT) technology. Fresh innovations in HVAC systems related to IoT application include the use of: Programmable thermostats Home automation systems Mobile applications (allowing remote control and management of energy use) What is IoT? It was British tech pioneer Kevin Ashton who coined the term “Internet of Things” in 1999. He was then involved in developing chips … Continue reading The Internet of Things and the HVAC Industry

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Want to Improve Air Conditioning Efficiency? Check Out These 7 No-Cost Tips

Improve Air Conditioning Efficiency

The key to keeping your AC in top working condition and saving money at the same time is regular maintenance. St. Louis air conditioning efficiency can also be enhanced when you take several steps to keep indoor air cool while keeping hot air from entering your home. Follow the tips below to learn what you can do to improve air conditioning efficiency in your home this summer. In St. Louis, you can also contact the heating and air conditioning experts … Continue reading Want to Improve Air Conditioning Efficiency? Check Out These 7 No-Cost Tips

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3 Ways Air Conditioner Maintenance Can Save You Money

Air Conditioner Maintenance in St. Louis

In order to maintain energy efficiency and to avoid costly breakdowns and large repairs, regular air conditioner maintenance is a must. Oftentimes people skip air conditioner maintenance to save money, but the truth is that if you do it now, you can save far more money in the long run. Read more to learn more about how regular air conditioner maintenance can save you money. You can also contact our local St. Louis air conditioner maintenance contractor for more money … Continue reading 3 Ways Air Conditioner Maintenance Can Save You Money

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UV Air Purifier: Improve Indoor Air Quality & Promote Health

UV Air Purifier for Indoor Air Quality

Anyone with allergies, asthma, or any other respiratory concern should be interested in improving the indoor air quality in their home. There are many ways through which this could be done. One of the most recent developments in heating, cooling, and ventilation technology is the use of a UV air purifier. To get a free quote on installing a UV air purifier in your St. Louis area home, contact our heating & air conditioning experts today! What You Need to … Continue reading UV Air Purifier: Improve Indoor Air Quality & Promote Health

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Planning for Commercial HVAC Upgrades

Commercial HVAC Upgrades in St. Louis

Commercial HVAC upgrades, while costly upfront, are necessary to maintaining optimum performance of your commercial building’s cooling and heating systems and saving money in the long run thanks to increased HVAC energy efficiency. In order to execute these upgrades properly, you must plan for them accordingly. At Galmiche & Sons, we want our customers to be as informed as possible before making important decisions, so our experts have put together a list of tips for planning your next commercial HVAC … Continue reading Planning for Commercial HVAC Upgrades

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5 Steps to Keep Pollen Out & Improve Air Quality This Spring

Improve Air Quality in Spring

The spring season has started and everyone is excited for warmer weather, pretty greenery, and bright, colorful flowers. However, as beautiful as it is, it also carries a challenge for people to improve air quality in their homes with rising pollen counts and other irritants in the air. As a St. Louis resident, you probably know that among all pollutants that could affect air quality, pollen is the most persistent during the spring season. Being the one of the most … Continue reading 5 Steps to Keep Pollen Out & Improve Air Quality This Spring

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Tips to Improve Commercial HVAC Energy Efficiency This Summer

Commercial HVAC Energy Efficiency Tips

In the summer, the hotter temperatures and humidity do not just affect people, they also affects the heating, ventilation, and air conditioning (HVAC) systems in commercial buildings. It is during this time that many commercial building owners can spend up to an additional 30% on energy costs because of improper commercial HVAC energy efficiency management. Improving Your HVAC Energy Efficiency If you are concerned about getting the most out of your heating and cooling system, here are some tips you … Continue reading Tips to Improve Commercial HVAC Energy Efficiency This Summer

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