How to Save Energy While You Are Away on Vacation

How to Save Energy While You Are Away on Vacation

Going on vacation is often a big expense, so it helps if when you are away, you will not be spending as much on energy for appliances or heating and cooling. You can save a lot on energy bills just by turning off the air conditioner while you are away, but did you know there is more you can do to save energy while on vacation?

Preparing your HVAC system correctly — and taking a few other measures — can help you save even more energy while you are on vacation. Plus, taking a look at your heating and cooling system before you go is always a good idea. The last thing you want to come home to is a problem with the heating & air conditioning.

Set Up Your HVAC System to Save Energy

You can save yourself a lot of hassle — and lower your chances of coming home to a sweltering house — by getting your HVAC system ready before you go. If your house is going to be sitting empty, air conditioners should, of course, be turned off while you are away. It is amazing how easy it can be to forget this, but you should always do it. This is both because you will save energy by not running the AC while you are away, and because it ensures your AC will not break down in the meantime. In the winter, you should turn the heat down to around 50 degrees. Turning it off entirely can lead to frozen pipes, which are another kind of nightmare to come home to.

You can also adjust to your programmable thermostat for savings and comfort. If your HVAC system has a programmable thermostat, you can set it to cool or warm your home on the day you get back. Or, if you find yourself wanting to leave the air or heat on for a house sitter who only checks on your home occasionally, you can just program it to turn on when the person is there which will help save energy.

Electronics and Appliances

Save Energy While On Vacation Adjusting your HVAC System

Another way to save energy while you are away is to unplug any appliances that do not need to be plugged in. Even when not in use, most appliances and electronics leech some electricity if they are plugged in. So to save the most energy, make sure they are unplugged. You can even turn off your refrigerator if you are going to be gone for a while. Of course, you will want to make sure all perishables are out of it first. Even if you do not want to remove everything, you can get rid of especially risky items and lower the power setting on your fridge. Even this can help you save energy.

Take Care of Any Potential HVAC Issues Before You Go

Finally, you want to make sure any HVAC issues you have been having are dealt with before you go. Since you will not be home to deal with an issue getting worse, you can save energy by making sure everything is in working order before you go. In the winter, for instance, even low heat can end up being pretty expensive if something’s wrong with your heater. If you think you might have an HVAC issue, get in touch with our St. Louis heating & air conditioning at Galmiche & Sons before you leave for a long trip.

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