Strategies to Improve AC Performance

Strategies to Improve AC Performance

As the summer heat blankets St. Louis, the importance of a well-functioning air conditioning system can’t be overstated. It keeps homes comfortable and families happy. Many people don’t think about their air conditioner until it stops working, but there are ways to improve AC performance and keep things running smoothly and efficiently without waiting for an emergency.

Galmiche & Sons, serving the Greater St. Louis metropolitan area, is a trusted provider of air conditioning services. Get in touch with our heating and air conditioning team today to learn how you can make sure your AC is running optimally.

Simple Tips to Improve AC Performance

Simple Tips to Improve AC Performance

Regular Maintenance Can Improve AC Performance

Consistent maintenance is one of the best strategies to enhance your AC’s cooling efficiency. This includes:

  • Cleaning or Replacing Filters: Dirty air filters obstruct airflow, making the system work harder than necessary.
  • Inspecting Coils: Over time, evaporator and condenser coils collect dirt. Keeping these clean ensures better airflow and heat absorption.
  • Checking Fins: The aluminum fins on AC coils can bend, blocking airflow. Gently straightening these with a fin comb can help maintain optimal air movement.
  • Checking the Thermostat: Regularly ensuring that your thermostat is functioning correctly will prevent the system from working harder than it should.

Some of these DIY AC maintenance tasks can be completed yourself. You should also schedule regular check-ups with a Galmiche & Sons professional HVAC technician who can inspect and clean crucial components of your AC unit.

Upgrade Your Thermostat

A programmable or smart thermostat can significantly improve AC performance. These devices allow you to set the temperature based on your schedule, ensuring your system is not overworking when no one is home. Smart thermostats can be controlled remotely, providing flexibility and convenience. Modern thermostats also offer energy usage reports and tips to improve efficiency.

Seal and Insulate Your Home

Proper sealing and insulation are critical to enhancing your air conditioner’s efficiency. Cracks and gaps in windows, doors, and ductwork allow cool air to escape and hot air to enter, forcing your AC to work harder. Some steps you should follow inclide:

  • Checking for Leaks: Look for leaks around your windows and doors. Adding weather stripping or caulking can seal these gaps.
  • Insulating Ducts: Ductwork in unconditioned spaces like attics or basements should be insulated to prevent energy loss.
  • Ensuring Proper Insulation: Proper home insulation is essential for system efficiency and performance. Ensure your walls and attics are adequately insulated to keep the cool air in and the hot air out.

Use Ceiling Fans

Ceiling fans are a cost-effective way to reduce the strain on your air conditioning system. Fans can create a wind-chill effect, making rooms feel cooler than they are. Using ceiling fans in conjunction with your AC allows you to set the thermostat a few degrees higher without sacrificing comfort, which can significantly reduce energy consumption and improve AC performance.

Shade and Ventilate

Adding shade around your home and properly ventilating can make a world of difference in the efficiency of your air conditioning system. Here are some key tips:

  • Shade Your AC Unit: If possible, place your AC unit in a shaded area. An AC unit in direct sunlight works harder to cool your home.
  • Use Blinds and Curtains: Close blinds or curtains during the hottest parts of the day to block out the sun’s heat.
  • Ventilate Attic Space: Consider installing attic fans or vents. Proper ventilation can reduce the load on your AC system, helping it run more efficiently.

Upgrade to a High-Efficiency AC Unit

If your air conditioner is older, consider upgrading to a high-efficiency model. These newer systems use significantly less energy than older models, providing better cooling while reducing utility bills. Always aim for an Energy Star-rated model, which guarantees a certain level of efficiency.

Reduce Indoor Heat

Minimizing indoor heat sources can also improve your AC performance. Simple steps like using the oven less, switching to energy-efficient light bulbs and turning off electronics when not in use can reduce the overall heat your AC needs to combat.

Improve AC Performance with the Help of Galmiche & Sons

These strategies will keep your home cool, reduce your energy bills, and ensure that your AC system is ready to face the sizzling St. Louis summers year after year. To learn more or schedule professional AC service in St. Louis to keep your system running efficiently, contact the experts at Galmiche & Sons today.

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