What Your Dirty Air Conditioner is Trying to Tell You


A dirty air conditioner is bad news. It can result in high energy bills and increase allergy and asthma symptoms. This is why HVAC experts recommend that you have your AC cleaned by a professional annually and replace filters every 3-4 months, or earlier. With regular maintenance, you can avoid the problems that arise from having a dirty AC and have any undetected issues with the unit fixed sooner rather than later.

Galmiche & Sons is a trusted HVAC company serving residents throughout St. Louis, Missouri. We perform air conditioner maintenance, which involves checking and cleaning all parts of the unit. The evaporator, an important area of the cooling unit can accumulate dust and dirt over time. A dirty air conditioner will also have a dirty condenser coil, which our HVAC technician cleans during servicing. The technician also replaces the HVAC filter and checks coolant as needed.

If your AC is in need of servicing or you want to schedule maintenance for your dirty air conditioner, call us at 314-993-1110 or schedule your HVAC maintenance online.

Signs of a Dirty Air Conditioner

Signs of a Dirty Air Conditioner

There are some common signs and problems that can help you recognize if your air conditioner is dirty and in need of service. These include:

  • Dirt on the AC coil: A visual check of the evaporator coil may show dirt, dust, and debris on it. The evaporator coil is located within your AC unit. Use your owner’s manual to identify and access it correctly. It is best to have an HVAC professional clean your evaporator coil. This will help save time and avoid the risk of damaging your AC from improperly accessing or cleaning the coil.
  • Less efficient cooling: Apart from a clogged filter, a dirty evaporator coil is among the factors affecting AC efficiency. If you notice that your AC is taking longer than usual to cool your home to the desired temperature, a dirty evaporator coil may be causing it. A dirty air conditioner can also cause your home to cool less and not reach the temperature you set on the thermostat.
  • High energy bills: A dirty AC coil can restrict airflow and heat exchange, making your AC unit work harder to maintain the desired temperature. This will be evident in higher energy bills than what you are accustomed to.
  • Frost on coils and AC: It is quite common to find ice on a dirty air conditioner. Condensation forms on the dirt on your evaporator coil and freezes while the AC is running. The problem can exacerbate when the air is humid. The frost leads to insufficient airflow and creates an even greater build-up of ice on your air conditioner. Learn more about what causes an air conditioner to freeze up.

How to Keep Your AC Clean

The best way to avoid a dirty air conditioner is to schedule annual servicing that includes a thorough cleaning of your AC unit. Changing your AC filter every 3-4 months, or monthly during periods of high uses will also help your AC work more efficiently.

Contact Galmiche & Sons for AC Maintenance in St. Louis

If you want to keep your AC running smoothly, Galmiche & Sons can take AC maintenance off your plate. Sign up for our HVAC maintenance agreement and get regular maintenance as needed year round. For more information or to schedule your appointment with our heating and air conditioning professionals, call us at 314-993-1110.

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